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Opening session Distinguished guests and dear friends: I am honored to welcome you all at Shaan xi Normal University and to this international conference on global environmental change . We are deeply proud to jointly organize this activity with Make. I am very pleased to see here many representatives from neighboring countries and partner countries, international organizations, project implementers. I am truly proud of our international community which could show constant interest in the environmental issues of the country and the region by gathering together to discuss the progress, analyze new challenges and agree on the steps of joint efforts towards safe and stable future. It is an expression of a dimension of our mission in this globalize world. It is in fact a constituent of our global responsibility. With no doubt, the development of economy has contributed throughout history to the betterment of different aspects of the daily life. Today, we are enjoying the gift of nature. Many times, we unfortunately take things for granted. Until one day, we found the nature that we know has changed or distorted beyond recognition, we are facing air pollution, global warming and tainted soil and water. Developments in the field have always continued to take place. Our conference today is a step forward on this long journey. I’m not going to talk about the “why” and the “what” of this conference, indeed this I would leave to our guests, speakers and participants, to explore and share with us. However, I will simply underline another dimension of this conference’s mission which is commitment to the community. There is a good tradition to meet regularly to share our ideas and find new and more effective ways of action, to evaluate the results and impact. we seek academic excellence, and nowadays, international exposure of faculty and students has become an essential component of excelling academically. This participation of prominent


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