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Services Instruction Provided to Students Faculty by Subject Specialists 2008/10/24 * Services and Instruction Provided to Students and Faculty by Subject Specialists Julia A. Martin 居黎雅 专业图书馆员为大学师生提供的服务与指导课程 CALA 21st Century Librarian Seminar Series 2008中美图书馆实务论坛 Services Instruction Provided to Students Faculty by Subject Specialists 2008/10/24 * The University of Toledo 多丽都大学 Services Instruction Provided to Students Faculty by Subject Specialists 2008/10/24 * Roles of Subject Specialists 专业图书馆员的职责 Specialist knowledge 专业知识 Reference services 咨询服务 General reference desk 一般咨询服务 Email/chat/IM/phone 电子邮件/网络聊天/即时信息/电话 Assigned college/department 指定院系 Services Instruction Provided to Students Faculty by Subject Specialists 2008/10/24 * Roles of Subject Specialists 专业图书馆员的职责 Bibliographic instruction 图书馆资源利用课程 Information literacy 信息素养 Subject specific resources 专业资源 Liaison activities 联络工作 Developing and maintaining relationships with relevant colleges/departments 发展和保持与相关系院的关系 Services Instruction Provided to Students Faculty by Subject Specialists 2008/10/24 * Roles of Subject Specialists 专业图书馆员的职责 Collection development 馆藏建设 Selection, weeding, serials cuts, electronic databases 增新,剔旧,期刊裁减,数据库 Research assistance 协助研究 Faculty, graduate assistants, undergraduates, community members 研究生,本科生,社区成员 Services Instruction Provided to Students Faculty by Subject Specialists 2008/10/24 * Library classroom 图书馆的教室 Services Instruction Provided to Students Faculty by Subject Specialists 2008/10/24 * Advantages for Faculty 对教师的优势 Forum for communicating customers’ needs交流用户需求的渠道 One identifiable and responsible person 一个明确的岗位, 一个负责任的人 Subject specific bibliographic instruction 专业相关的图书馆资源利用课程 Targeted collections 针对性的馆藏资源 Subject specific reference and research 专业相关的咨询与研究 Services Instruction Provided to Students Faculty by Subject Specialists 2008/10/24 * Advantages for Librarians 对馆员的优势 Better knowledge of customers


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