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Module 3 Unit 2 This year we practise more carefully word and expressions beat [bi:t] v. beat [bi:t] 打败;战胜 careless [‘kε?l?s] adj. 粗心的;疏忽的 cheer…on 用欢呼声激励,为…加油 coach [k?ut?] n. 教练 fan club 球迷(或影迷、歌迷)俱乐部 against [?‘ɡenst] prep. (在比赛或战斗中)对(某人或某事物) train [trein] v. (体育)训练,操练 practice [‘pr?ktis] n. 练习 warm [w?:m] v. 使暖和,使温暖 warm up 热身,做准备活动 usual [‘ju:?u?l] adj. 通常的,平常的 better [‘bet?] adv. 更好地 adj. 更好的 after-school [?ft?sk?l] adj. 下午放学后的,课外的 pleased [pli:zd] adj. 开心的,满足的 pass [pɑ:s] v. 传递,传送 pity [‘piti] n. 可惜;遗憾 chance [t?ɑ:ns] n. 可能性,机会 loudly [‘laudli] adv. 响亮地;大声地 confident [‘k?nfid?nt] adj. 自信的 Language point beat [bi:t] v. beat [bi:t] 打败;战胜 careless [‘kε?l?s] adj. 粗心的;疏忽的 翻译下面的句子: The window was open; the careless girl had carelessly left the window open. against [?‘ɡenst] prep. (在比赛或战斗中)对(某人或某事物) against 意为“反对”时,其反义词为“for”,意为“赞成”。 train [trein] v. (体育)训练,操练 课文解析: 1.Work in pairs. Talk about the pictures. Use the word and expressions in the box to help you. 2.Read the passage and complete the table. Training hard:努力训练 It is Saturday tomorrow, but I am going to school. I am not going for lessons, but to play football. I am in our school team and we are going to play against another school next week. The practice starts at 10 am. We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up. 辨析 so …that…与so that Have time to do sth. →有时间做某事。 We are training harder than usual because the other team beat us last year. This year we want to do better. other,others,another,the others,the other的


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