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PAGE Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce 本科生毕业论文 EVA在我国企业的应用价值研究 The Value of EVA in Chinese Enterprises 学生姓名 ***** 指导教师 ***** 论文类别 实践性 年 级 专 业 学 号 ***** 二〇一八 年 五 月 摘要 金融危机的爆发和证券市场的跌宕起伏让企业管理者以及外部投资者更加注重对企业价值的管理和评估。企业管理的目标是企业价值最大化,而就目前各方参股为主的企业经营模式来说,企业管理的目标就是股东价值最大化。针对现状,以企业价值管理为导向,突显股东价值创造的EVA价值评价体系值得企业重视和研究。 在阐述企业价值管理和企业价值评价基本概念的基础上,本文通过对EVA企业价值评价法和传统企业价值评价法的比较,结合案例分析研究,说明EVA价值评价法在企业业绩评价、公司治理和员工激励方面的突出表现。针对我国企业的应用存在的问题,就我国经济环境、企业经营状况以及EVA自身缺陷进行分析,提出改进对策,指出综合指标的有利作用,为我国企业的价值管理和评价提供参考模式。 关键词:价值管理;经济增加值;经济增加值动量;业绩评价;综合指标 Abstract Financial crisis and the stock markets ups and downs make corporate managers and outside investors to pay more attention to the value of enterprise based on management and assessment. Management objective is to maximize corporate value. While current enterprise model is based on shareholders, then the enterprise management goal is to maximize shareholders’ value. Against the status, EVA evaluation system which is enterprise value management oriented, highlighting the value of shareholder value creation is worthy of our attention and study. This paper based on evaluation of enterprise value through EVA and traditional business valuation method of comparison, note EVA valuation method in the evaluation of corporate performance, corporate governance and the outstanding staff motivation performance, combined with case studies, confirm their superiority.This paper concludes with EVA valuation method in the application in Chinese enterprises issued on Chinas economic environment, business conditions and the EVA s own defects cause analysis, for its analysis of the problems and reasons put forward to improve measures to highlight Composite Index to strengthen the use of EVA in the beneficial effect of our business, and use it as our Value Management and evaluation reference model. Key words: Value Management; Economic Value Added EVA Momen


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