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PAGE 2 ZK-300型真空注型机系统设计 院 系 机电工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及自动化 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 负责教师 沈阳航空工业学院 摘 要 真空注型机不仅是快速复制各类塑胶样板的专业设备,而且可以直接用于塑件小批量生产,大大节约开模费用与时间,广泛用于电子、电路、工程、化工、玩具、医疗、汽车制造、航空航天等领域,同时适用于其它真空行业。 设计ZK-300型真空注型机系统,该系统包括硅胶搅拌器、硅胶浇注器、硅胶混合器、真空箱体、电气控制模块和抽真空模块。该系统可实现直径小于300mm的硅胶模具注型制造。 首先用UG NX4.0软件对各零部件进行实体建模,完成硅胶浇注器、硅胶搅拌器的装配图,并进行干涉检查。 其次用AutoCAD软件对各零部件进行二维设计,并进行装配,完成硅胶搅拌器以及整体系统的装配图。 最后进行电气控制模块的设计,完成主电路及控制电路的设计。其中控制电路包括真空泵控制电路、电加热控制电路、温控器控制电路、搅拌器控制电路。 最终完成整个系统的设计。 关键词:真空注型机;系统设计;三维建模;二维设计;电气设计 Abstract The vacuum injection molding machine is not only the fast professional apparatus which can be used for duplicating many kinds of plastic models, but also can be used for producing a bit fewer of plastic models directly. Using it for making model can save expenses and time greatly. It is used in fields such as electron,circuit,project,chemical industry,toy,medical treatment,car making,Aero-Space and so on. Extensively it is also suitable for the other vacuum industry. The ZK-300 type of the vacuum injection molding machine is designed. It includes the colloidal silica agitator, the colloidal silica pouring device, the colloidal silica mixing device, the body of vacuum tank, the controlling of the module electrically and vacuum extractor. This system can realize to inject the colloidal silica mold smaller than 300 mm. Firstly, every spare part entitys model is carried on with UG NX4.0 software and the set-up sheet of the colloidal silica pouring device and the colloidal silica agitator are finished. Then the interference is checked. Secondly, every spare part of two-dimensional figure is design with AutoCAD software .The colloidal silica gel agitator and the integral system is finished finally. Lastly, the electric control system is designed. The main circuit and the control circuit is designed too. The control circuit includes the vacuum pump controlling circuit, the electricity heating controlling circuit, the temperature controller circuit and the agit


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