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PAGE w w 毕业设计论文 题 目 核电子学实验室符合测量装置的调试 英文题目 The Debugging of Coincidence Measurement Device in the Nuclear Electronic Laboratory 学生姓名 专 业 核工程与核技术 学 号 指导教师 老师 二零一二年六月 摘 要 符合法是研究核衰变和核反应过程中在时间上、方向上相互关联事件的一种方法,在核技术领域中有着广泛的应用。 符合法绝对测量放射性活度是符合测量技术的应用之一,它是级联衰变放射性源活度绝对测量的主要方法,被认为是放射性活度测量最准确的方法之一。本文就是以60Co放射源活度测量为例,阐述了β-γ符合法测量放射性活度的基本原理,给出了实验符合测量装置及测量结果,并以60Co源的出厂活度换算的值作参考。实验结果表明论文中探讨的算法可行,相关的研究对日后续符合测量的研究具有指导意义。 关键字:β-γ符合法; 放射性活度; 符合测量装置 ABSTRACT Coincidence Counting Method is used to research the events relating to time or direction in the process of nuclear decay and nuclear reactions, and it has been widely applied in various fields of nuclear technology. Coincidence Counting Method of absolute measurement of radioactivity is one of measuring technology of the application. It is the main method which is used for the absolute measurement of radioactivity of cascade decay radionuclide and is considered accurate measurement of radioactive one way. This paper is to 60Co source activity measurement for example, expounds the basic principle of β-γ coincidence method for the measurement of radioactivity. The experimental device and measurement results are given in this paper. And the activity of 60Co source with conversion as a reference for the results. The experiments results show the method in the paper is really practical. This study is of great significance to the future research on digital coincidence technology. Key Words: β-γcoincidence method; Radioactivity; Coincidence measurement device w w 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc327466312 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc327466312 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc327466313 第二章 符合法的基本理论 PAGEREF _Toc327466313 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc327466314 2.1 符合法的基本概念 PAGEREF _Toc327466314 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc327466315 2.1.1 符合事件 PAGEREF _Toc327466315 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc327466316 2.1.2 真符合和偶然符合 PAGEREF _Toc327466316 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc327466317 2.1.3 分辨时间τ PAGERE


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