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生物质成型燃料热管锅炉设计和试验   摘要:根据生物质成型燃料的元素分析#65380;工业分析及其特性,采用热管作为换热设备,将热管技术与锅炉设计结合,设计了适合我国农村秸秆特点的生物质成型燃料热管锅炉#65377;并按正#65380;反平衡法进行了该锅炉热性能与环保指标试验,结果显示,生物质成型燃料热管锅炉热水温度#65380;压力#65380;热水量#65380;效率等热性能指标达到或超过了设计要求,正#65380;反平衡热效率分别为81.1%#65380;80.39%#65377;该锅炉所排烟气中烟尘#65380;NOx#65380;SO2#65380;CO#65380;CO2等污染物浓度达到锅炉大气污染物排放标准要求,环保效益好#65377;该锅炉提高了设备效率与能源利用率,具有较好的市场前景#65377;   关键词:生物质成型燃料;热管;锅炉;设计;热性能试验   中图分类号:TK64文献标识码:A文章编号:0439-8114(2014)11-2650-03      Design and Experiments of Heat Pipe Boiler of Biomass Briquettes      FAN Zhen-shan1a,ZHANG Yan1b,YANG Bo2   (1a. Department of Automotive Engineering 1b.Department of Mechanical Engineering; Zhengzhou Technical College, Zhengzhou 450121, China; 2. Wanfang College of Science Technology, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China)      Abstract: Based on element analysis, industry analysis and combustion characteristics of biomass briquette fuel, using heat pipe as heat exchange equipment, combining heat pipe technology with boiler design, the heat pipe boiler of biomass briquette suitable for rural straw characteristics of China was designed. The thermal performance and environmental protection index test of the heat pipe boiler of biomass briquette was studied with the positive and counter balance method. Results showed that the thermal performance parameters including hot water temperature, hot water pressure, hot water flow and thermal efficiency were met or exceeded the design requirements. The thermal efficiency of boiler direct heat balance test was 81.1%. The thermal efficiency of boiler indirect heat balance test was 80.39%. The contaminants including fume content, NOx, SO2, CO and CO2 in boiler flue gas were conformed with the national emission standard of air pollutants for boilers, which had good environmental benefits. The boiler could improve equipment efficiency and energy utilization, with good prospects of market.   Key words: biomass briquettes;heat pipe;boiler;design;thermal perfor


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