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HYPERLINK 请使用IE7或IE8预览本页,个别文件很大超过5M,请等几分钟后再下载!谢谢! 自恋型人格障碍的儒家文化背景.txt MACROBUTTON DoFieldClick [下载这本Txt小说] 自恋型人格障碍的儒家文化背景自恋型人格障碍的儒家文化背景 [摘要]:本文作者运用精神分析学对自恋和自恋性障碍研究的成果, 通过对一组受过良好教育,有较浓儒家文化的家庭背景, 且有一定的工作业绩,但缺乏基本共情能力的人格障碍患者的临床观察,试图阐述儒家文化对这类人格障碍形成的影响,以及这种文化的哪些要素在家庭互动中导致了这种人格障碍的形成。历代儒家认为内圣之学-----即如何通过自我努力而成为圣人,是儒家全部理论的核心和出发点。但儒家的人文理想常常在现实中落空。对历史上儒家文化的这一凄惨命运应该如何解释?作者结合临床观察认为,这与儒家文化中的内在本质有必然的联系。儒家思想中过份强调理性,贬低情感的“君子”“圣人”的理想人格的社会期待;“人人关系”将“己” 作为人际关系中的一点,缺乏对个人承诺所致的“自我客体” 式家庭人际关系;“己所不欲,勿施予人”“ 已欲立而立人”“己欲达而达人” 的以“己” 为出发点的认知方式;以及儒家“修齐治平”的奋斗目标、过份的耻感和权威崇拜均蕴含有明显的自恋趋向。这些文化特质往往成为自恋型人格障碍的温床。为此,作者尝试用精神分析学和社会学的知识对儒家文化的反思之道,希翼加深对代表儒家文化的圣贤人格的理解。以及回应第三代儒家提出的“利用弗洛伊德学说对人性阴暗面的了解,弥补儒家在这方面历来认识比较肤浅的缺陷”。 [关键词]: 自恋型人格障碍 儒家文化 社会化 The Confucianism background of Narcissistic Personality Disorder [Abstract]:A group of patients with personality disorder who grew up in families with strong Confucianism background, well educated and professionally successful, yet lacked the basic ability of empathy were discussed from the view of narcissism in psychodynamics. This article tried to describe how Confucianism influenced on the formation of this type of personality disorder and which characteristics in Confucianism could serve to be the basis of this type of personality disorder within family interaction. The core theory of Confucianism was how to become a Grand Man through self-cultivation. But, this moral idealism often failed in Chinese history . How to explain this sad situation about Confucianism? This article utilized the result from my observation of a group of patients with personality disorder, revealing that this situation in Confucianism is related with the core of itself. So that this article will focus on the discussion about the goal of moral idealizing personality, the model of projective cognition and self-objective interpersonal relationship, an very strong sense of shame and obeying authority in Confucianism. It exposes


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