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西安交通大学城市学院本科生毕业设计(论文) STYLEREF 标题 1 \l \* MERGEFORMAT 摘 要 PAGE IV PAGE I 摘 要 从1985年中国建设银行深圳市分行发放第一笔国内个人住房贷款起,至今已有28年的发展历史。随着国民经济的发展,商业银行个人住房贷款已经在提高城镇居民人居环境和改善国民居住条件上发挥了重大的作用,也达到了应有的效果。我国商业银行发放个人住房贷款不仅提升了自己的产品多样化服务而且增加了新的盈利增长点。在支持国民经济特别是在房地产市场发展方面起到重大的作用。近年来朝着规模化、全面化的方向发展,可谓是实现了互惠双赢的效果。 但凡贷款都会存在风险,商业银行个人住房贷款也不例外。本文在借阅国内外学者研究的基础上,综合我国个人住房贷款的现状,对我国商业银行个人住房贷款风险进行分析,并找出有关原因,提出较为可行的方法措施和具体方案,给商业银行规避风险健康经营管理提供了可行性的参考思路。 关键词: 商业银行;个人住房贷款;风险;防范 ABSTRACT Starting from 1985, China Construction Bank, Shenzhen Branch issued the first domestic housing loans to individuals, has more than 28 years of development history. With the development of the national economy, the individual housing loans of commercial banks in improving the living environment of urban residents and to improve the the nationals living conditions played a major role, but also to achieve the desired effect. Chinas commercial banks to issue individual housing loans not only to enhance their own product diversification and added a new profit growth point.In supporting the national economy, especially in the real estate market development play a major role.In recent years toward the development of large-scale, comprehensive direction, can be described as a win-win effect. Provided that the loan will be at risk, the commercial bank housing loans to individuals is no exception. Borrow scholars at home and abroad on the basis of comprehensive analysis of individual housing loans in China the status quo of Chinas commercial banks personal housing loan risk and find out the reasons put forward a more feasible method measures and specific programs. To commercial banks risk-averse health operation and management of provide feasibility reference ideas. KEY WORDS: Commercial Banks; Individual Housing Loans; Risk; Prevention 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc354228788 1绪论 1 1.1研究背景与意义 1 1.2研究方法与思路 1 1.3论文结构与框架2 1.4国内外研究现状3 1.4.1国内研究现状3 1.4.2国外研究现状4 1.


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