英语写译 week twgenera an specific wrs.ppt

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英语写译 week twgenera an specific wrs

5. He looks so funny, we all roared/chortled. 6. Bill chortled/roared with delight. 7. Those girls often got together and sniggered/snickered at his strong accent. 8. When I found/caught him copying my composition, he tittered/giggled at me. In order to write precisely, we need to form the habit of thinking concretely and analytically. Tip Sample paragraph: Point out the general and specific word(s) in the following paragraph and tell how the writer makes the paragraph effective. The beggar’s hair is extremely dirty. It seems that he never washes his hair. He keeps scratching his head, and the passers-by watch “snowflakes” fall continuously. Suddenly a bird flies by and rests on his head, for it takes his hair for a comfortable nest. Exercise: Illustrate the following idea with supporting details. Smoking has many ill effects. The poisonous nicotine contained in cigarettes can reduce smokers’ fitness. It is proved that smokers are more likely to suffer from lung cancer. When smokers smoke at home or at their workplaces, their family members and colleagues become passive smokers. As a result, these innocent people’s health will be unfavorably influenced. As the price of a pack of cigarette ranges from ¥5 to more than¥100, smokers, poor or rich, will lose a sum of money, which they could have spent on books, nutritious food, sports, high quality of TV sets, etc., not on meaningless smoking. Heavy smokers tend to have yellow teeth, yellow fingers and their mouth gives off disgusting smell. Not many people would like to stay with them for quite a long time. When careless smokers throw the lit ends of cigarettes onto something easy to catch fire, a fire would break out. Such a fire may burn a house down or destroy a big forest. Problems with Student Writers The ideas student writers convey are general and ambiguous for the following two reasons: * no specific words are used to make the ideas clear * no concrete det


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