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World of work Training and workshops I. Revision on new words business n. 工商企业;商行;商业 technique n. 技巧,技能 cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的 presentation n. 口头报告,陈述,叙述 public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司 run vt. 开办(课程/ 讲习班) I. Revision on new words one-to -one 一对一的 accredited adj. 公认的 motivational adj. 激发积极性的, client n. 客户 entertaining adj. 有趣的,使人愉快的, professional adj. 专业的,职业的 involve vt. 包含、需要、使成为必要部分 responsibility n. 责任,所负责的事情 be responsible for sb./ sth. 对某人/某事负责 I. Revision on new words title n. 头衔,职称 sample n. 样品 试用产品 account n. 账目,账户 correspondence n.(来往的)信件 badge n.徽章 identify vt. 发现,确定 workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班 Lead in Have you ever attended any kind of courses? Why did you want to go there? What did you learn there? Do you think it useful to you? Training and workshop 培训与研讨会、讲习班 Background knowledge 多种多样的培训 依据培训地点不同通常有: 1. 内部培训(Internal training或称in-house- training )是一种在工作场所进行的在职培训,因此也称为on-the-job training,其特点是经济实惠。 2. 外部培训 (external training),是一种将员工送往专门培训机构的离岗培训,因此也称为 off-the-job training。 3. 网上培训 (web-based training)是一种基于网络环境下的培训尤其受到那些公司员工分布地域广的公司的青睐。 Reading: Training and workshop 依据培训内容不同通常有: 1. 新员工岗前培训 (New employee orientation training) 2. 领导才能培训 (Leadership training) 3. 个人电脑培训 (Personal computer training) 4. 团队精神培训 (Team building training) 5. 招聘培训 (Hiring process training) 6. 新设备操作培训 (Operating new equipment training) The names of the courses Selling techniques Cross-cultural communication Business English intensive courses How to set up a business through the internet Team building The names of the courses Health and safety in the workplace How to give effective presentations How to deal with difficult customers Public speaking Speed reading and memory supertraining Match the jobs with the definitions A. Someone who talks at a public event. B. someone who helps people to improve at a sport, skill or school subject. C. someone who advises people on a particular subject. D. someone who writes books or articles . reading Read through


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