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UNIT1 Nicole: Hey, Nancy, have you heard Margaret got promoted? Nancy: Yes, I have. The achievement is awesome considering of all the hardships she‘s been through. Nicole: Yeah, I really admire her. She is such an optimist. Nancy: Me, too. It‘s inspiring to see how much an optimist achieves. They are winners of life while pessimists are losers. Nicole: I can‘t agree with you more. When there are dark clouds in life, optimists search for the silver lining of opportunity while pessimists merely complain. Nancy: Uh-huh. It‘s amazing how one‘s attitude affects his achievements. A positive attitude really makes a big difference. Nicole: Do you know attitudes also affect one‘s health? Nancy: No. I don‘t. Enlighten me. Nicole: A certain group of researchers are said to have taken personality tests of some people, and they tracked their health status for 30 years. You can guess for the result. Nancy: The optimists turned out to be healthier? Nicole:Yeah.The optimists are reported to have better physical and mental functioning. Meanwhile, they also lived longer on average than pessimists. Nancy: Wow, that‘s so incredible. I think sometimes I am a little bit pessimistic. It‘s time for a change. Nicole: Yes. Actually, it‘s not that difficult to change. Just remember, whenever you hold a negative thought, immediately replace it with a positive one. Keep training yourself like this, and then you will be an optimist. Nancy: That‘s good news for all the pessimists. It‘s not too late to change. Nicole: No, it‘s not. And remember Henry Ford once said, You can believe you can, or you can believe you can‘t, either way you will be correct. UNIT2 William: Hi! Jane, what is your plan tonight? Jane: Not sure. I‘ve had my hands full with my term paper. William: Come on. You are too hard on yourself. Just relax. Jane: Ennn……..maybe I need some rest. William: I‘ve got some albums of music. Do you like to enjoy them for a change? Jane: Sounds great. Act


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