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Lesson 1 group 1 1 Abort 使终止,使夭折: Bewilder 使迷惑,难倒-------be+wild(荒野杂乱)+er(人)—变成了一个杂乱的人----使迷惑 ------《例》we were bewildered by the conflicting (互相矛盾)road signs 。 Clarity 清晰 明晰《例》his writing has great clarity of style Constrain 约束,限制------------be constrained by 受到—的约束限制 《例》she tried to constrain herself from a cough in class。 Definitive 决定性的 权威的 最完整可靠的l例-----There has never been definitive proof that treatment with very bright lights makes a difference 2 Distracted 注意力分散的 心烦意乱的 《例》After the argument ,Lucy felt too distracted to work 。 Essence 本质实质-----in essence 本质上 be of essence 至关重要《例》-------The essence of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe Fury 愤怒狂暴,狂怒 in a fury 愤怒 《例》—he stumped out in a fury Illicit 违法的 违禁的 不正当的《例》he trafficked in illicit liquor(私酒) Intermediate 中间的 中级的 例 ----he broke his journey at an intermediate station 3 Make-up 化妆品 构成 组成 补考 例----she would not wear any kind of make-up of jewel Novelty 新奇事物,新颖小巧而廉价的物品 I bought some novelties on the boardwalk(木板人行道) Permeate 弥漫,渗透 permeate through/into 渗进,渗透 例 ----The new ideas have gradually permeate through the people Rejoice 使高兴 使欣喜 rejoice in sth 因—而高兴 例------rejoice not in iniquity(不义气),but rejoice in the truth 4 Savage 野蛮的凶恶的 野人 乱咬 ,猛烈抨击 The inhabitants were still in the savage state Symphony 交响乐 (色彩等)和谐 例---he conducts(指挥) a symphony Underscore 画底线,强调 例—These results underscore the value of rescue medications in averting(避免) psychotic relapse (精神病复发) Lesso1 group2 1 Wretched 极不愉快的 难受的 讨厌的 例 What wretched weather! Absurd 荒唐的 可笑的 It is absurd that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work Beneficiary 受益人 受惠者 The beneficiary of (人,事等)的受益人----Her husband was the chief beneficiary of her will Clarification 澄清 阐明 ---employers are seeking further clarification of the proposals(提案) Deficient 缺乏的 不足的 缺陷的 deficient in 缺乏 A diet deficient in vitamin D may cause the disease rickets(软骨病) Disturbance 干扰 骚乱 忧虑 He


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