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v Volume No Norms that Generate the Same Wijsman Top ology on Convex Sets Pietro PoggiCorradini Math Dept GN University of Washington Seattle WA USA email p oggimathwashingtonedu Dedicated to R T Ro ckafellar on his th Birthday In a Banach space X we intro duce a criterion for comparing the Wijsman top ologies that are induced by two equivalent norms of X on the hyp erspace of closed convex sets C X Thereafter we study the duality map asso ciated with the unit ball of a given norm of X in relation to its comp osition with the p olarity map This more geometrical description of the norm allows us to give a direct pro of of a known theorem see and If X is reexive and the duality map is ntonusco then the Wijsman top ology coincides with the Mosco top ology on C X Intro duction Let X b e a Banach space and let C X b e the family of closed and convex subsets of X The Wijsman top ology on C X is dened to b e the weakest top ology for which the distance functionals d x C X IR are continous for all x X This top ology can also b e viewed as the union of two other top ologies the lower Vietoris which is generated by all subsets of C X of the form V fA C X j A V g where V is op en in X and the upp er Wijsman which is generated by all sets of the form c ++ B fA C X j inf a A b B ka b k D A B g where B is a homothetic translation of the unit ball of X Clearly the lower Vietori


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