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Ordering number : EN7946A Monolithic Digital IC LB11946 PWM Current Control Stepping Motor Driver Overview The LB11946 is a stepping motor driver IC that implements PWM current control bipolar drive with a fixed off time. This IC features 15 current setting levels using a fixed VREF voltage and support for micro-stepping drive from 1-2 phase excitation drive to 4W1-2 phase excitation drive. This device is optimal for driving stepping motors such as those used for carriage drive and paper feed in printers. Features • PWM current control (with a fixed off time) • Logic input serial-parallel converter (allows 1-2, W1-2, 2W1-2, and 4W1-2 phase excitation drive) • Current attenuation switching function (with slow decay, fast decay, and mixed decay modes) • Built-in upper and lower side diodes • Simultaneous on state prevention function (through current prevention) • Noise canceller function • Thermal shutdown circuit • Shutoff on low logic system voltage circuit • Low-power mode control pin Specifications Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit Motor supply voltage VBB 50 V Peak output current IO peak tw ≤ 20µS 1.2 A Continuous output current IO max


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