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纺织品出口国际竞争力分析 PAGE 21 PAGE 摘 要 作为一个传统行业,纺织品产业在中国有着悠久的历史,同时纺织品产业也是目前我国在国际市场上有着较强竞争力的产业之一。尤其是2005年1月1日后,由于乌拉圭回合所达成的《纺织品与服装协议》(ATC)终止生效,实行了43年的纺织品配额制度被彻底废除,这标志着全球纺织品贸易进入后配额时代,更意味着以前阻碍我国纺织品出口的最大障碍被清除,我国纺织品产业将迎来更加美好的前景,但同时也面临更大的竞争压力与挑战。在有利的国际大环境背景下,如何抓住机遇,发挥自身的优势,提高我国纺织品产业的竞争力,拓展国际市场,已成为纺织品产业当前一个重要而又迫切的课题。 本文运用规范分析和实证分析相结合的研究方法,系统分析和评价我国纺织品出口的国际竞争力。文章先介绍我国纺织品出口的概况了解到我国纺织业的基本情况以及出口情况,同时,采用实证分析来分析我国纺织品出口的国际竞争力,用国际竞争力的三个指数进一步加以计算解析我国纺织品出口国际竞争力的实际情况。找出我国纺织品出口国际竞争力的影响因素,最后从政府,行业,企业自身三个方面找出提高我国纺织品出口国际竞争力的方法。 关键词:纺织品产业,比较优势,竞争优势,国际竞争力 ABSTRACT As a traditional industry, textile industry has a long history in China, at the same time, textile industry is at present our country in the international market has a strong competitive industries. which had bean applied for 43 years, therefore, International textile trade does not need quota any more. As a traditional industry, compared to the other countries Textile Industry, Chinese Textile develops a great of advantage. So we can expect that our Textile industry will have a promising future meanwhile, there are still more challenge and pressure in the future. This changing fade background brings us an important and urgent topic. That is:How to catch this opportunity? How to improve our advantage in Textile industry and our market in the world? This article analyzes the use of normative and empirical analysis of a combination of research methods, systems analysis and evaluation of international competitiveness of Chinas textile export. The article first introduced our country textile export of Chinas textile industry to understand the basic situation and export situation, at the same time, using empirical analysis to analysis of textile export of our country s international competitiveness, with the international competitiveness of the three index further computational analysis of China s textile export competitiveness in the international situation. Find the e


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