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Health instruction Knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of complications that may occur. iodine * Thyroid diseases can be broadly divided into the following categories: Overproduction of thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) Underproduction of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) Benign (noncancerous) thyroid disease Thyroid cancer * or patients who are for any reason unable to maintain adequate long-term follow-up evaluation. Younger people or the people with slightly symptoms and the olds should not be treated with surgery. * Generally just a portion of the thyroid gland is removed, but a total thyroidectomy may be performed, which is the most expensive option and has certain risks. * Transfer the patient to the intensive care for closer monitoring of vital signs, EKG , and cardiopulmonary status. * Measurement include a hypothermia mattress or blanket , ice packs , a cool environment , aspirin will not be given. * Beta-blockers: propranolol * Perfect preoperative care is the key to guarantee a successful thyroidecotomy and to prevent its complications. Thyroid function tests , X rays and an EKG, BMR measurement would be performed before surgery to provide baseline information. If thyroidectomy is planned ,the patient is likely to be apprehensive and anxious about the surgery ,the nurse should give he or her mental support. * The risk of thyroidectomy for has become negligible since the introduction of the combined preoperative use of these drugs. Observe carefully about the effect and side-effect of the medications. * Moved and turned carefully to support the head and avoid tension on the sutures. Semi- Fowler’s position (半卧位) with the head elevated and supported by pillows. * The necessity for rest , relaxation, and nutrition is explained to both the patient and the family. The iodine should be dropped on bread or the biscuit Partial or complete thyroidectomy may be carried out as primary treatment . The type and extent of the surgery depend


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