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题目:因上财市务银w应舰究 子分析法在财务分析中的应用研究 ——以中国上市银行为例 [ ]对MPJ金融业主体上市银行进行财务分析,不仅可以史好地分析和衡量银行的 经营业绩,也冇利于银行內身根据分析结果来提高经营效率和调整发展方向。本文运用 SPSS17.0软件,对我岡12家代表性上市银行的9个主耍财务指标进行了因子分析,从 中提取了2个具有经济含义的公因子,通过综合得分评价上市银行的财务状况,并简要 评价,提出自己的看法。通过分析以期掌握银行业的发展趋势,提出加快银行业改革步 伐的建议,使其更好的适应经济发展形势。 [关键字]因子分析法上市银行财务分析 Factor analysis in the financial analysis of applied research for example in China listed banks [Abstract] Body of the domestic financial owners of listed banks conduct financial analysis, not only can better analyze and measure the Bank’s results of operations, but also conducive to the banks themselves based on the analysis results to improve operational efficiency and adjust the direction of development. This paper uses SPAA17.0 software, representative of 12 listed banks in nine key financial indicators were factor analyzed to extract the two common factors have economic implications, through a comprehensive evaluation score of the financial situation of listed banks, and briefly evaluation, to present their views. By analyzing in order to grasp the development trend of the banking industry,to speed up the pace of banking reform proposals to better adapt to the economic development situation [Key word] factor analysis listed Banks financial analysis TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 弓丨 g 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document \h 一、 财务分析与因?了?分析法简述 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h 1、 财务分析指标体系 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 2、 因子分析模型 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 3、 因子分析法在财务中的应用 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h 二、 因子分析模型在上市银行屮实证研究 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h 1、 样木数据的选取与处理 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document \h 数据标准化处理 4 适用条件检验 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark12 \o Current Document \h 2、 因子提取和解释 5 变量相关性分析 5 因了?的提取 6 因子的旋转 6 因子得分的计算 7 HYPERLINK \l bookmark15 \o Current Document \h 三、 实证结果分析 9 组仑 11 HYPERLINK \l bookmark17 \o Current Document \h 1、 实证效果分析 11 HYPERLINK \l bookmark18 \o Current Document \h 2、


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