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初级中学思想政治课教学存在的问题及对策   作者: 吴楠 理论分析 先知后觉,知行合一 2015年 2月 摘 要 “思想政治工作是经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线”这一论断充分肯定了思想政治教育工作在我国社会主义现代化建设中的巨大作用和重要地位。2l世纪是国家和民族最需要具有创新能力的高素质人才的时代,思想政治课堂教学是培养学生的创新精神和创新能力的主阵地,在思想政治课堂教学中,教师要不断地为学生创新能力的发展创设良好的条件。然而在今天的中学思想政治教学中存在着学生学习兴趣不高、教育“工具意识”的偏颇十分明显、政治教学创新不足,思想政治学习氛围不浓、各级重视程度边缘化、中学政治教师发挥主导作用面临的困惑等问题,而要解决这些问题需要教师、家庭、学校等多方面的努力,共同致力于激发学生的学习兴趣、培养学生的创新能力、提高政治教师的素质,才能保证我国中学思想政治课教育教学质量出现一个崭新的局面,从而承担起思想政治工作生命线的巨大作用,服务于社会主义现代化建设。 关键词:教学现状;激发兴趣;培养创新能力;提高教育者素质 ABSTRACT The ideological and political work is the economic work and all other work of the lifeline this thesis fully affirmed the work of ideological and political education in the socialist modernization of our country, the huge function and important position. 21 century is the national and ethnic need most has the ability of the era, ideological and political class teaching is to cultivate students innovation spirit and innovation ability of the main position, in the ideological and political teaching in class, the teacher must unceasingly for the students innovation abilitys development to create good conditions. However, in todays high school ideological and political teaching in the students learning interest is not high, the educationtool consciousness biased obviously, political teaching innovation is insufficient, ideological and political study atmosphere not thick, all levels of value of marginalization, middle school political teachers play a leading role faces confusion and so on, and the solution to these problems needs to ideological and political education teachers, families, schools and so on various efforts, common commitment to stimulate the students learning political interests, cultivate the students innovation ability, improve the political teachers quality, to ensure that our country middle school thought political lesson teaching quality education in a new situation, so as to take up the ideological and political work the great effect of lifeline, service and socialist modernization.


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