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I. Quiz and Exercises for Chapter 3 2. Describe that the English is of a mixed character. 3. What is an analytic language? 4. Is Modern English a synthetic language? Why? ⑸ iso- “equal, alike”; -meter “measure”. ⑹ tele- “over a long distance, done by telephone, or on or for television”; -thon “any prolonged or extended activity, event, etc. of a special kind, usually involving endurance”. ⑺ lexico- “words, vocabulary”; -logy “the study or science of”. ⑻ micro- “small, very small”. ⑼ macro- “large, long”. ⑽ hygro- “wet, moist, moisture”. ⑾ hypno- “sleep” ⑿ magneto- “loadstone, magnet”. But magneto is also a word, meaning “magneto electric machine”. ⒀ petro- means “of or having to do with petroleum products or the industry that has developed around it”. 3. Modern English ① Early Modern English (1500-1700) The Early Modern English period extends from 1500 to 1700. The chief influence of this time was the great humanistic movement of the Renaissance. Owing to the study of the Latin and Greek classics, the influence of Latin and Greek on English was great. Modern English word “expectation” ← Latin word “expectationem”, meaning “anticipation”, which was made of “expectare” or “exspectare” and “-ation” (a suffix forming nouns) To be, or not to be, I theres the point, To Die, to fleepe, is that all? I all: No, to fleepe, to dreame, I mary there it goes, For in that dreame of death, when wee awake, And borne before a everlafting Iudge, From whence no paffenger ever retur’nd, The vndifcouered country, at whofe fight The happy fmile,and the accurfed damn’d. To be, or not to be, aye theres the point, To Die, to sleep, is that all? Aye all: No, to sleep, to dream, aye marry there it goes, For in that dream of death, when we awake, And borne before an everlasting Judge, From whence no passenger ever returned, The undiscovered country, at whose sight The happy smile, and the accursed damned. ② Late Modern English (1700-Present) The main difference between


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