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* 实干者 Implementor 协调者 Coordinator推进者 Shapper创新者 Plant 信息者 Resource Investigator 监督者 Monitor / Evaluator 凝聚者 Team Worker完善者 Complete / Finisher * * * * Stage 1 The employee needs the highly directive and close supervision style of the Director. If this is a skilled worker that has been promoted or recruited, the need for this leadership style will be less and for a shorter time than that of an inexperienced worker. Stage 2 Training and supervision are still necessary but there is also great need for soliciting the employee’s ideas, two-way communication, and generally a more supportive, Coaching environment. Given those considerations during the final training phrases, the employee will progress to . . . Stage 3 Problems can arise when the skilled worker is seemingly ignored. To become a high performer, the capable employee needs praise, recognition, and the opportunity to solve problems, make decisions, and set goals. This stage makes the Supportive style of leadership essential for the follower to progress to the place we desire for all our workers. Stage 4 The high performer can be left alone to work from an empowered, delegated position and can be trusted to produce independently or as part of a team. The leadership requirement for this stage is a mentoring style, that of the Delegator. 领导风格需按不同情况,不同对象而改変,没有一个最佳的风格 ? * 绩效表现=能力?动机 ——能力=天赋?训练?资源; ——动机=意愿?承诺 马斯洛(Maslow)的需要层次理论 ——生理、安全、归属感、尊重、自我实现 赫茨伯格(Herzberg)的双因素理论 ——保健因素:关系、金钱、地位、待遇、环境和安全感 ——激励因素:成就感、认同、工作挑战、责任、发展 问你的下属:“什么能激励你更努力工作?” 项目经理应具备的领导方法 以人为本,领导就是服务 发扬民主,科学决策 讲究艺术,懂得激励 以身作则,思想领先 运用文化和影响力 项目经理应具备的领导艺术 用人的艺术 分配工作的艺术 支持下级的艺术 运用权力的艺术 检查工作的艺术 沟通协调艺术 商务礼仪 商务谈判艺术 提高项目经理领导艺术的途径与措施 善于学习,勤于实践,形成自己的管理思想 通过在实践中学习管理知识与理念 丰富完善项目经理个人的管理思想 增强善于观察判断、审时度势的能力 察言观行,善于识人,培养选人艺术 审时度势,培养战略眼光 建设一支好的团队,增强项目执行力 健全制度, 以身作则, 选好人,用好人,管好人。 团队冲突与冲突管理 团队冲突是指团队成员在交往中产生意见分歧,出现争论、对抗,导致彼此间关系紧张等状态。 团队冲突分为工作冲突和人际关系冲突 任何时候把两个或两个以上的人 放在一起都会产生潜在的冲突 对待团队冲突的三种观点 传统观点---冲突是消极因素,应该避免冲突。 人际


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