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题目:浅析企业营销中的客户关系管理 浅析企业营销中的客户关系管理 [ ]随着科技的高速发展,产品之间的差异性越來越小,客户对企业发展的重要性口益 突出。企业能否生存取决于客户对企业产品和服务的认可度。为了使企业提高客户的满意度 吸引更对的客户,企业必须为客户创造可感知的价值并不断増值,是客户管理的精髓和出发 点。也只有这样,才能真正的留住客户。木文从解析客户关系管理概念开始,剖析了企业对 客户关系管理存在实践上的误区与对策,还从客户关系的建立和维护进行详细的探讨,以助 企业迎接新的市场挑战、更好地实施客户关系管理,加强企业客户关系管理水平,提高企业 运作效率,降低成本,提高竞争力。 [关键字]客户关系管理(CRM) 误区与对策 客户关系建立与维护 Abstract [Abstract] With the rapid development of technology,the difference between products becomes smaller, the importance of the customer to the enterprise development is increasingly prominent. The enterprise survival depends on the customer of enterprise products and services recognition. In order to enable enterprises to improve customer satisfaction to attract more customers, the enterprise must to create customer perception of value and the value of customer management, is the essence and the starting point. Only in this way,can we truly retain customers. This paper starts from the analysis of the concept of customer relationship management, analyzes on the misunderstanding and Countermeasures in the practice of customer relationship management, also a detailed discussion from the establishment and maintenance of customer relationships, to help enterprises to meet market challenges, new and better implementation of customer relationship management, strengthen the enterprise customer relationship management level,improve the efficiency of the operation of enterprises,reduce costs, improve competitiveness. .[Key word] CRM Misunderstandings and Countermeasures Establish and maintain customer relationship 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 弓丨 W 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h 第一章客户关系管理的概念 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 第二章企业客户关系管理存在实践上的误区与对策 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 第三章企业客户关系管理的建立与维护 3 T 7 醐i吾 8 [参文献] 9 引言 通过建立个性化的关系纽带来保持顾客的营销方式,基木是在大工业时代以前的商业运 营上沿用这种后来被称之为“关系营销”的模式。这与那时人们的交易空军、交易内容、交 易的频率和数量是有很大的关系的,所以彼此之闹建立真诚、紧密的个人关系几乎成为了一 种习惯。大工、Ik时代的到来冲淡了人们关系纽带。突然喷发出来的大量需求使得人工厂、大 公司埋头于生产与供应,无心理会个别消费者的需求;人们活



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