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医学影像学杂志2006 年第 16 卷第 7 期  J Med Imaging Vol . 16 No . 7 2006 前交叉韧带撕裂的MRI 诊断 1 2 1 1 1 3 胡卫东 ,项  立 ,范  义 ,王秀荣 ,娄明武 ,左文建 (广东省深圳市龙岗中心医院 1. 介入影像科 ;2 . 内二科 ;3 . 骨科  广东 深圳  518116)   【摘  要】 目的:研究膝关节前交叉韧带撕裂的MRI 表现 。方法 : 回顾分析 30 例经关节镜证实的前交叉韧带撕裂 MR 图 像及 40 例完好的ACL ,分析其直接及间接征象的特征 。结果 :在评价的直接征象中 ,ACL 不连续和 ACL 走行异常均具有 相对高的诊断敏感性 、特异性 ;在评价的间接征象中 ,后交叉韧带角 、Blumensaat 角 、后交叉韧带指数 、半月板后移征 、“对吻 性”骨挫伤 、胫骨前移位等 6 个征象具有相对高的特异性 , 后交叉韧带角 、Blumensaat 角具有较高的敏感性 。结论 :ACL 损 伤的直接征象为诊断主要依据 ,ACL 损伤的间接征象具有辅助诊断意义 。 【关键词】 前交叉韧带 ; 膝关节 ;磁共振成像 ( ) 中图分类号 :R686 . 5 ;R445. 2    文献标识码 :A    文章编号 :1006 - 9011 2006 07 - 0760 - 03 MRI diagnosis of tears of anterior cruciate ligament  HU Weidong , XIAN GL i , FAN Yi , et al . Dep artment of Intervention Image , L onggang Center Hosp ital , S henzhen 518116 , China 【Abstract 】 Objective :To investigate the MR findings of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears. Methods :MRI of 30 knee joints fol lowed by arthroscopy were retrospectively evaluated. There were 40 knees with intact ACL . To investigate direct and indirect signs of them. Results :All the direct signs , discontinuity of ACL and abnormal contour of ACL had relative higher sensitivity , specificity. Most of the secondary signs ,however ,had relative high specificity. The following 6 indirect signs , angle of the posterior cruciate ligament , angle of the Blumensaat the index of the posterior cruciate ligament , uncovered posterior of lateral meniscus , “Kissing”bone bruise , and anterior tibial translation , angle of the posterior cruciate ligament and angle of the Blumensaat had relative higher sensitivity. Conclusion :Direct signs were the main clues for diagnosing. Indirect signs were only fo


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