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~ ~~~ 介 词 表示时间的介词:at, in, on, before, to, from, by, till, until, after, for, since 等。 表示地点,位置,方向的介词:next, to, in, in front of, on , out of, at, above, over, into, near, between, under, up, across, by, down, from, around, behind, beside等 表示原因,理由的介词:for, as, at, from 等 表示方式的介词:on, in, by, with 等。 常用介词辨析 表示时间的in, on, at, after in 的用法。 用于早晨、下午、傍晚。In the morning/afternoon/evening 用于月、年、季节等。In March, in 1986, in spring 用于一段时间后。In a week, in a year’s time, in two hours on 的用法 用于具体某一天。On my birthday, on the morning of next Friday, on June 6, on Sunday, on New Year’s Day 用于描述性的时间。On a cold night, on a winter day at 的用法 用于具体的钟点。At 12 o’clock, at half nine 用于固定的搭配。At lunch, at night, at breakfast, at noon, at Christmas, at weekends, at that time after 表示在一点时间以后。After twelve o’clock 2. 表示的地点的 in, on , at in指大地方,at是小地点, in表示的是体,on表示的是面,at表示的是点。 in可指内部, on可指“在…之上” There are six windows in the wall.墙上有6 扇窗子。 There are five pictures on the wall.墙上贴着5 幅画。 3. 表示方位的on, over, under, above, below. 1)on , over, above指上方;under, below指下方;on指物体接触。 2)over指正上方、above指斜上方、under指正下方、below指斜下方。 There will be two bridges over the river.河上将有两座桥。 4. between, among Between指两者之间, among指三者或三者以上。 5. across , over, through Across表示从这一边到另一边的横过, over表示从空间通过, through则表示从内部空间穿过。 Can you swim across the lake? 你能游泳过湖吗? 6. with, in ,by With后跟工具, in后跟语言、材料等, by跟某种方式。 I can write with a pen. 我能用笔写。 7. 看似相同,但意义有别的词组。 At school 在上学 At the school 在学校 In front of 在…前边(外部) In the front of 在…前部(内部) In class 在课上 In the class 在这个班 In bed 在睡觉 In the bed 在床上 In hospital 住院 In the hospital 在医院里 Go to school 去上学 Go to the school 去学校 用适当的介词填空 He knows everything ______________ the school. He usually goes out for a walk ________ lunch. I have lunch _________ half past eleven. Please look ________ the blackboard. 5.They work ____________8:00 ___________16:00. When do they get up _________ the morning? Will we go ____________ bus or _________ foot? 7.We have learned a lot _________ you. The cup was


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