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Thank you 谢谢! Questions? 您有什么问题么? * * China’s Proposed Changes in Hospital Management Education and Practice as Derived from North American Successes 中国医院管理教育与实践变革的建议- 来自北美洲的成功经验 Howard W. Houser, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus and Former Associate Dean Department of Health Services Administration The University of Alabama at Birmingham April 26, 2013 Beijing, China 霍华德·豪斯博士,教授 清华大学医院管理研究院 院长高级顾问 美国阿拉巴马伯明翰大学卫生学院 原副院长, 系主任,教授 2013年4月26日 中国北京 My Background 我的背景 I have 54 years of hospital management and hospital management education experience in the USA 在美国,我有54年的医院管理和医院管理教育经验 I have 29 years of hospital and health administration education experience in China 在中国,我有29年的医院管理和卫生管理教育经历 Hospital management education and practice in China is one of those projects 中国医院管理教育与实践是其中之一 My USA Experience and Background 我在美国的经验和背景 Earned both Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Hospital and Health Administration 拥有医院和卫生管理的硕士和博士学位 Worked in 6 different hospitals early in career 在早期职业生涯中曾为6所不同的医院工作过 Routine access to more than 150 hospitals in academic career 在学术生涯中与150多所医院保持频繁的日常联系 Three years active duty as officer in U.S. Air Force Medical Service School preparing all levels of health workers for Air Force hospitals 曾作为现役军官在美国空军医疗服务学校服役3年,为空军医院培养不同层次的管理人员。 My USA Experience and Background 我在美国的经验和背景 Began full time teaching in 1970 从1970年起开始全职教书 Have served as program and school developer, program director, department chair and associate dean 曾担任医院管理系和卫生管理专业学院的创始人,项目总监,系主任和副院长 Now work part time on special projects 现在为一些感兴趣的项目兼职工作 My China Experience and Background 我在中国的经验和背景 China Ministry of Health and U.S. Project HOPE as Leader of Hospital and Health Administration Development Project May-October, 1984 1984年5月-10月,作为中国卫生部和美国联合项目的“HOPE基金会”中“医院和卫生管理发展”项目主管人 Based at Xian Medical University and extending to Beijing Medical University, Zhejiang Medical University, and Shanghai Second Medical University 当时曾主要工作于西安医科大学,也曾参与北京医科大学、浙江医科大学和上海第二医科大学的工作 Focused on undergraduate and



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