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随E购篇 Easy BuyChapter (在观影模式下点击上述标题即可在线观看、或输入网址:/v_show/id_XNDkzMTM2MDg4.html It can be played online by clicking the topic above simply in view mode or typing the website above 品种篇 “Category” Chapter (在观影模式下点击上述标题即可在线观看、或输入网址:/v_show/id_XNDkzMTM2NzUy.html It can be played online by clicking the topic above simply in view mode or typing the website above 部分相关媒体报道 Portion of Related Media Reporting (在观影模式下点击相关报道即可进入网页链接 Clicking the relevant reports can enter the webpage in view mode ) 五粮液等名酒价格体系崩盘:门店价差多则几百Price of famous Chinese liquor, such as Wuliangye, varies at different retailers, difference up to hundreds of yuan 传统酒企电商化革命箭在弦上?电子支付成助力Traditioal wine selling company changes to online ship,Electronic payment assit the transform “行业公敌”杨陵江:白酒之乱祸起团购 Industry EnermyYang Lingjiang :Trouble from group purchase 一场由贵州茅台引发的投资较量 An investment war from Kweichow Moutai “周转率”成白酒行业竞争法宝 Turnover into the liquor industry competition 成都1919酒类连锁近日生意火爆 Chengdu 1919 Corporation recently Hot Business 杨陵江:“冲”出来的酒类连锁 Yang Liangiiang: Wine Chain Store fromRushing 迷乱白酒:涨声中雪崩传言四起 芮成钢爆料某白酒销量降7成 Rumour of Liquor Price Avalanche ,Rui chenggang from CCTV reports sales volume of a liquor drops 70% 杨陵江:三开公司均陷困境 最后赢在终端模式 Yang Liangiiang: Win at termial mode after failure of opening 3 companies successively 泸州老窖1573去年12月成都商超销量暴降90% A Chinese liquor sales volume at Chengdu drop 90% 茅台、五粮液销量雪崩 棒喝经销商“死守”价限 Moutai, wuliangye sales avalanche ,asked dealers to insist price limit 开店方法论 Opening Shops Method 杨陵江的1919情怀 Yang Liangiiang’s Love of 1919 杨陵江:以专业叫板现有终端 Yang Lingjiang: Promote Modern Terminal by Professtional 壹玖壹玖:打造酒业另类连锁 1919: Constructs Unique Wine Chain Store 成都地区白酒商务消费调查 Chengdu Liquor Consumer Behaviour Investigation 恭喜你,获得拼刺刀奖! Congratulation! You won Gold Throat! It is also the combination of online and offline, two directional O2O. It is also the combination of online and offline, two directional O2O. It is also the combination of online and offline, two directiona


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