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学 士 学 位 论 文 BACHELOR ’S THESIS PAGE PAGE 1 l                         编号 学士学位论文 浅谈情感在表现性油画中绘画语言的表达 学生姓名: 学 号: 系 部: 专 业: 年 级: 指导教师: 完成日期: 年 月 日 学 士 学 位 论 文 BACHELOR ’S THESIS 中文摘要 表现主义是艺术史上一个重要的流派,表现主义绘画作品重在崇扬自我,揭示灵魂。表现派油画家摒弃传统的艺术原则,追求一种变形的真实,表现派要求在主观感情的作用下,使客观现实变形夸张,把现实转化为神奇,把绘画作为表达纯粹感情、内心世界的工具。他们强调自我感觉的绝对性,否认理性,把直觉看作认识世界的唯一方法,他们希望借助于艺术品来宣泄心中的愤懑和激情,力求表现出当代人的内心世界。一个真正的艺术家是用自己的真心洞察了他所处时代的精神本质的人,这就是艺术家对自己生存现实的责任感。所以,在表现性油画中情感的表达至关重要,情感的表达也分很多种:色彩的情感表达、线条的情感表达等,把情感融入这些绘画语言中,这样的作品才称得上是惟妙惟肖、形象、自然。 关键词:情感;表现性油画;表现形式;绘画语言 Abstract Expressionism is an important genre of art history, expressionist paintings on publicizing young self, reveal the soul. Expressionist painter instead of the traditional artistic principle, the pursuit of the deformation of a real, expressionist requirements under the action of subjective feelings, distorts the objective reality, the reality into the magic, the painting as tools to express feelings, pure inner world. They emphasize a sense of self, the absoluteness of denied the rationality, the intuition is regarded as the only way to know the world, they want to use art to express resentment of the heart and passion, and strive to show the modern peoples inner world. Is a real artist with their own true insight into the spiritual essence of his era, this is the artist for his survival reality sense of responsibility. So is crucial in expressive painting expression of emotion, the expression of emotion is quite a variety: color of emotional expression, the emotional expression lines, such as the emotion into the painting language, such work is truly lifelike, image, natural. Key words:The performance of oil painting;Expressive paintings;Fo


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