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PAGE - PAGE 9 - 学年论文 题 目 商业银行信贷对房地产价格 的影响分析 学 院 经济学院 专 业 金融与风险管理 班 级 金融 1003 学 生 学 号 20102221281 指导教师 二〇一三年九月十二日 摘 要 近年来,我国房地产价格持续走高,已经成为一个社会问题。而房地产业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,房价的高低对其自身及相关产业的发展,金融秩序的稳定,经济的发展,城市的发展状况,居民生活水平的提高等都有很大的影响。针对我国的房价问题,我国政府相继采取了多种房地产调控政策来稳定房地产价格,但是调整的效果并不理想。 与此同时,我们发现近几年来银行发放的房地产信贷规模也呈逐步扩张趋势。在现代信用经济社会,房地产开发商利用银行借贷作为一种融资的手段,提高投资能力,消费者通过贷款提高购买能力。房地产业与银行业已经形成了共生共荣的互动关系,房地产业的发展离不开银行业的支持,商业银行贷款为高速发展的房地产业提供了最主要的资金来源,而房地产信贷则是银行业的一项重要内容。通过对2008-2011年商品房价格和商业银行房地产信贷额数据分析发现,房地产价格和银行信贷具有相互促进的密切关系,商业银行信贷长期影响房地产价格。 关键词:房地产价格;商业银行信贷;数据分析 ABSTRACT In recent years, Chinas real estate prices rising, has become a social problem. And the real estate industry is the pillar industry of the national economy, high and low prices on its own, and the development of relevant industries, the stability of the financial order and economic development, the development of the city, people living standard rise, has great influence. Housing problem in China, the Chinese government have taken various real estate control policies to stabilize real estate prices, but the effect of adjustment is not ideal. At the same time, we found that in recent years issued by the bank of real estate credit also showed a trend of gradual expansion. In the modern economic and social credit, real estate developers to use bank lending as a means of financing, improve the investment ability, consumer borrowing to increase purchasing power. Real estate industry and the banking industry has formed a symbiotic co-prosperity, the interaction between the development of the real estate industry cant depart from the support of banking, commercial bank loans for the high-speed development of the real estate industry provides the main source of funds, and real estate credit is an important content of the banking sector. Based on the



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