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本片的故事围绕一只年轻的秘鲁小熊展开,这只小熊在伦敦的的帕丁顿站迷路了,然后被一个善良的家庭收养,当时它呆在失物招领处外,坐在一只被压扁的行李箱上,挂着一个牌子:“请照顾这只熊。谢谢。”因为小熊的秘鲁名字没人能明白,所以善良的人类家庭就根据车站的名字给这只小熊起名叫帕丁顿。 The story is about a young Peru cubs, who got lost in the London Paddington Station, and then was adopted by a good family. When he stayed in the Lost and Found Office, sitting in a battered suitcase, a sign stated: please take care of the bear. Thank you.“ Because no one can understand the bear’s Peru name , so according to the station, kind-hearted human family named this bear as Paddington. 一只年轻的秘鲁小熊,喜欢吃橙子果酱。在伦敦的的帕丁顿站迷路后,被人类带回家庭中,与人类相处。 A young Peruvian bear, like oranges jam. He lost in Londons Paddington station, after being brought back to the family of mankind, along with humans. paddington 动物标本剥皮师。她留着白色的短发,看上去十分性感时髦,但内心却非常邪恶。她所处的位置,正是一个动物标本室,很多动物标本环绕在她的周围。 Taxidermy Skinning division. She remained white short hair, looks very sexy fashion, but inside is very evil. Her location, it is an animal specimen room, surrounded by a lot of stuffed animals around her. MILLICENT 收留了帕丁顿在布朗一家的房子里闯了很多祸,导致它更加受到排斥。固执的只允许帕丁顿留一个晚上,他们会为它另找一个永久的住所。 Mr. Brown is a risk analyst. Mr.brown Paddington shelter house in Brown got into a lot of trouble, causing it to be more marginalized. Mr Brown is stubborn and he only allowe Paddington to stay for one night, they will find another permanent residence for Paddington. 收养帕丁顿熊的布朗太太是个很有爱心的人,喜欢小动物。 Mrs. Brown is a very caring person, likes small animals. Mrs. Brown illustrated adventure books. MRS. BROWN Thank you


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