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※工艺技术 食品科学 2010, Vol. 31, No. 18 99 周晓燕,唐建华,陈 剑,王 萧 (扬州大学旅游烹饪(食品科学与工程)学院,江苏 扬州 225127) 优化发酵粉脆皮糊调配工艺,建立脆皮糊调配工艺参数的回归方程。在感官鉴定的基础上用质构仪进行 脆度测定,并与感官鉴定结果进行综合评估。通过单因素试验,得出脆皮糊的面粉选用高筋粉,淀粉选用小麦淀 粉,发酵粉选用即发干酵母。在此基础上再进行各因素的配比参数,通过正交试验得出淀粉 10g、发酵粉2.0g 、 水 75g 、油 15g、面粉50g 的原料配比是最佳工艺参数,并从中选择最重要的3 个因素进行正交回归试验,建立水、 面粉、发酵粉配比的回归方程。 :脆皮糊;质构;脆度;发酵;烹饪 Formulation Optimization of Yeast Powder Based Paste for Crisp Coating ZHOU Xiao-yan ,TANG Jian-hua ,CHEN Jian ,WANG Xiao (School of Tourism and Culinary Science (Food Science and Engineering), Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225127, China) Abstract :Formulation optimization of yeast powder based paste for crisp coating was carried out using single factor and orthogonal array design methods for achieving maximum weighted average of crispness, crispness-lasting time and surface smoothness. According to the single factor investigations, bread flour was the best choice for preparing the paste, and the optimal starch source was wheat, and instant dry yeast was superior to baking powder and fresh yeast. The optimal formula for the paste was composed of starch 10 g, yeast powder 2.0 g, water 75 g, oil 15 g, and flour 50 g. Amounts of water, flour and yeast powder were selected to be the most important factors affecting the comprehensive sensory evaluation of the paste, and their relation- ship was modeled using orthogonal regression design. Key words :paste for crisp coating ;texture ;crispness ;yeast ;cuisine 中图分类号:TS201.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2010)18-0099-05 烹饪中许多菜肴都需要进行挂糊处理,根据原料性 粉( 小苏打与酸性磷酸钙制成的复合疏松剂) 、鲜酵母、 质和菜品特色的要求,挂糊的种类可分为全蛋糊、水粉 干酵母各 3 0g ,低筋、中筋、高筋面粉各 30 0g ,大豆 糊、蛋清糊、酥皮糊、脆皮糊等,其中脆皮糊是烹饪


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