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* 英语中句子的语序通常有两种:自然语序和倒装语序。倒装语序分为“全部倒装”和“部分倒装”。在全部倒装的句子中,整个谓语都放在主语的前面;在部分倒装的句子中,只是谓语中的一部分(如助动词、情态动词或系动词be等)放在主语前面,其余部分仍放在主语后面。 倒 装语序 自然语序 Never shall we forget them. 助动词/情态动词等+主语+谓语其余部分 部分倒装 In came the boy. 谓语动词+主语 全部倒装 The boy came in. 主语+谓语 语 序 I 方位副词down, up, in, out, here, there , away等或时间副词then 等放到句首时,全部倒装 Here comes the bus! There goes the bell! Out rushed the children. The door opened and in came Black. 注:如果主语为人称代词时,不倒装 Here it comes! Out they rushed. 全部倒装 II 表示地点的介词短语置于句首,全部倒装 In front of them stood a great castle. On the bed lay a sick old man. Under the tree was sitting one of the biggest men I have ever seen. 注:如果主语为人称代词时,不倒装 III such 位于句首时使用全部倒装结构。 Such will be my future dream. Such is my whole story. 注:如果主语为人称代词时,不倒装 I 由so引起的,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一个人(或物) “We must start for the work-site now.” “So must we.” He plays the violin quite well. So does my sister. He has been to Beijing, so have I. 部分倒装 由neither或nor引起的,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一个人(或物) -- I won’t do such a thing. –Neither / Nor will I. -- I haven’t done my homework. –Neither / Nor have I. I didn’t read the notice on the bulletin board, nor did he. 注:如果一个句子只是重复前面一句话的意思,尽管so用于开头,语序也不要倒装,如: -- It was cold yesterday. – So it was! -- Tomorrow will be Monday. – So it will. II only与所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句一起放在句首时,其后面的部分要部分倒装,如: Only in this way can you hope to improve the situation there. Only then did I realize that I was wrong. Only after he came back was I able to see him. 注:only修饰主语,仍用自然语序,如: Only socialism can save China. III 含有否定意义的副词、副词短语、状语从句放在句首时,后面的部分要部分倒装。 not, never, hardly, seldom, little, rarely, scarcely, neither, nor, not until, not only…but also…, no sooner…than…, hardly…when …, scarcely…when…,in no way, at no time, in no case, by no means, under no circumstances等 Never shall I forget the day when I joined the League. Not until I began to work did I realize how


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