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where用作关系副词,引导两个定语从句:前者非限定性,后者是限定性。 where还可作连接副词,引导状语从句。 Where there any high young mountains along the coast,….But where rivers flow into the sea,…. 在沿海有年代较近的高大山脉的地方,… 但在河流入海处, … The region near the continents, where the water is …, is the place where the ocean’s greatest riches in marine life are found. rich单独用一般不做名词(the rich除外)。用作名词时,一般用复数形式,意思为:财富,财产;丰富,富饶。 She has donated a sizable postion of her riches to children’s charities. 该国石油丰富,但这一资源尚未开发。 The country has great oil riches, which as yet has not been tapped. 他已向儿童慈善事业捐出了相当可观的财产。 本句使用了倒装结构,用在句首是地点状语的句子中。在这类倒装结构中,不使用助动词,而是整个动词谓语部分置于主语之前。 On a hill in front of them stood an old temple. 在他们面前的山上矗立着一座庙宇。 Under a tree was sitting one of the biggest men I have ever seen. 树下坐着一位我所见过的最高大的人。 Below these living creatures and plants are the largest known quantities of minerals. 句中forming…是现在分词短语,也称现在分词结构。本句中表示 “结果” ,相当于the sea floor suddenly drops down so that it forms deep hollows which…。 It rained for two weeks on end, completely ruining our holiday.(…so that it completely ruined our holiday.) 雨连着下了两个星期,因此我们的假期彻底泡了汤。 A bomb exploded at the hotel yesterday afternoon, killing seven people. 昨天下午这家旅馆发生了炸弹爆炸,炸死了7个人。 At the end… the sea floor suddenly drops down, forming deep hollows which …. 本句句型是(S)V(imagine)O(a mountain chain)C(stretching…),也可说是OC共同构成动词imagine的复合宾语,O和C之间具有逻辑上的主谓关系(a mountain chain stretches….)。 If you can是插入语,表达作者的意见或看法:如果可能的话,请想象一下…。 Imagine, if you can, a mountain chain stretching 40,000 miles around the earth. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 一些科学家正在研究关于如何将海中大量的水补充至世界的沙漠中。其他的希望能通过学习关于热流交替和在海与空气之间的水气来控制天气。还有其他人正在研究声音的传递如何被水和热量影响。 Some scientists are studying ways of bringing the oceans huge supply of water to the deserts of the word. Others hope to control the weather by learning more about the exchange of heat and moisture between the ocean and the air. Still others are studying the ways in which sound travels and is affected by water and heat. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 而


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