人教版高中英语必修五第四单元 grammar-Inversion (37PPT).ppt

人教版高中英语必修五第四单元 grammar-Inversion (37PPT).ppt

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人教版高中英语必修五第四单元 grammar-Inversion (37PPT).ppt

Why do we use Inversion? * Book 5 Unit 4 Inversion 倒装句 Teaching goals 1. Enable the students to understand the sentences written in Inversion. 2. Enable the students to use inverted sentences correctly. ? What is Inversion? To emphasize a certain part of the sentence. To balance the sentence. Warming—up 2. 他们工作努力。 3. 我们正在学习英语。 1. 我们是学生。 They work hard. △ We are learning English. △ △ We are students. △ 4. 奶奶给我讲了个故事。 5.我们将会把恩平建设得更美好。 Grandma told me a story. △ We will make Enping better. △ △ 主系表 主谓 主谓宾 主谓双宾 主谓复宾 Warming—up 2. 他们工作努力。 3. 我们正在学习英语。 1. 我们是学生。 They work hard. △ We are learning English. △ △ We are students. △ 4. 奶奶给我讲了个故事。 5.我们将会把恩平建设得更美好。 Grandma told me a story. △ We will make Enping better. 主系表 主谓 主谓宾 主谓双宾 主谓复宾 Question: 谓语由什么构成? 1. 实义动词 2. 系表 3. 助动词+动词的适当形式 △ △ 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 一般过去时 study studies am studying is studying are studying have studied has studied studied was studying were studying had studied shall study will study should study would study 请写出下列常用时态的构成 (以study为例) 过去进行时 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时 除了一般现在时和一般过去时,其他时态的构成都是 由“助动词+动词的适当形式(doing, done或者do)构成。 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 一般过去时 am done is done are done am being done is being done are being done have been done has been done was done were done was being done were being done had been done shall be done will be done should be done would be done 请写出下列常用时态的被动语态的构成 (以do为例) 过去进行时 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时 以上所有时态的构成都是由“助动词+动词的适当形式(done)构成。 请将下列句子改写成一般疑问句。 He is handsome. She was doing her homework. He has heard of the story. He can dance and sing. She goes to work by bus. She went to work by bus. 请将下列句子改写成一般疑问句。 1. He is handsome. Is he handsome? 2. She was doing her homework. Was she doing her homework? 3. He has heard of the story. Has he heard of the story? 4. He can dance and sing. Can he dance or sing? 5. She goes to work by bus. Does she go to work by bus? 6. She went to work by bus. Did she go to work by bus? 如果句子中有


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