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For about 66 per cent of us, being with your phone at all times is an obsession that occupies every waking minute. If you think you may suffer from nomophobia – then the warning signs are: ■ An inability to ever turn your phone off; ■ Obsessively checking for missed calls, emails and texts; ■ Constantly topping up your battery life; ■ Being unable to pop to the bathroom without taking your phone in with you. The number of people afflicted with nomophobia — revealed in a recent study — shows a rise from a similar study four years ago, where 53 per cent of people admitted the fear of losing their phone. 我们中大约有66%的人,时时刻刻都离不开手机——只要眼睛睁着,就得和手机形影不离。 如果你有以下“症状”,你可就得提高警惕,看看自己是否得上了这种“无手机焦虑症”: ■ 从来都不关手机; ■ 时不时地查看有无漏接的来电、邮件和短信; ■ 频繁地为手机充电; ■ 上厕所、洗澡,都得要把手机带在身边。 据最近公开的一项研究显示,患上“无手机焦虑症”的人数相比四年前的一次类似调查,已有所上升。在四年前的那次调查中,就已有53%的人承认自己很担心会丢失手机。 Keys: “nomophobia”就是“无手机焦虑症”的意思,是指在手机丢失、手机没电或余额不足、不在服务区时,手机用户的焦虑反应。这个词由no-、-mo-和-phobia三个词缀(词素)构成。 其中no-为否定含义,-mo-是手机(mobile phone)的缩写,而-phobia是英语中常见的一个后缀,带有“害怕、忧虑”的意思 acrophobia hydrophobia nyctophobia trypophobia 恐高症 恐水症(狂犬病) 黑夜恐惧症 密集恐惧症 Part Division of the Text Part Paras. Main Ideas 2 4 1~2 3~11 21 Introduction -- Both Napoleon’s and Hitler’s military campaigns failed because of the severe Russian winter. Napoleons military campaign against Russia. Conclusion -- The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign. 3 12~20 Hitler’s military campaign against the Soviet Union. 1 Unit 1: Fighting with the Forces of Nature G R _ 2_4 Text Analysis Truce offer Major battles Capture of the Russian capital Initial resistance strategy refusing to stand and fight; retreating eastwards, burning crops and homes “scorch the earth”, fierce fight to defend major cities yes no Smolensk, Borodino, the Berezina River D R _ word _ retreat retreat: v. move back or withdraw when faced with danger or difficulty After a fierce battle, the troops retreated southward. 我们采取如下策略:敌进我退,敌退我追。 We adopted t


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