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教育部北京师范大学基础教育课程研究中心 清华大学现代教育技术研究所 “信息技术在教学中的应用”项目简介 信息技术与学科教学的整合 ——本次课改倡导的IT与教学改革的互动模式 IT整合于教学的全局观和系统观 信息技术整合于教学 (IT Integrated into Teaching Learning) 信息技术整合于教学与学习的目标 IT整合中的教学工具与教学媒体 ——辩证、理性地分析信息技术的作用 IT整合中的教学工具与教学媒体 ——辩证、理性地分析信息技术的作用 信息技术应用于讲授性教学 信息呈现 现象演示 个别辅导型CAI 信息扩展 …… 操练练习 游戏 问题解决 …… IT整合中的教学工具与教学媒体 ——辩证、理性地分析信息技术的作用 信息技术双面性的3个层面: 生活中的虚拟化成分:虚拟娱乐,例如“虚拟鱼缸”(东京,2000) ? IT整合中的教学工具与教学媒体 ——辩证、理性地分析信息技术的作用 信息技术 是 苗逢春 地址:全国中小学计算机教育研究中心 (北京师范大学英东楼一楼) 邮编:100875 电话:010E-mail: miaofch@ For content, the key to the future is to look at the needs of the user - the teacher and the learner rather than the provider. What services do the users really want? What will help them improve standards? We must move away from the position of looking to see what content providers want to provide - what do users want to get? Learning is an interactive process. We are just scratching the surface of how ICT can facilitate that process - facilitate, not replace. For content, the key to the future is to look at the needs of the user - the teacher and the learner rather than the provider. What services do the users really want? What will help them improve standards? We must move away from the position of looking to see what content providers want to provide - what do users want to get? Learning is an interactive process. We are just scratching the surface of how ICT can facilitate that process - facilitate, not replace. For content, the key to the future is to look at the needs of the user - the teacher and the learner rather than the provider. What services do the users really want? What will help them improve standards? We must move away from the position of looking to see what content providers want to provide - what do users want to get? Learning is an interactive process. We are just scratching the surface of how ICT can facilitate that process - facilitate, not replace. For content, the key to the future is to look at the needs of the user - the teacher and


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