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大学英语B模拟试题二 一、交际用语 1、What’s the weather like today? - A It is very hot and humid B It is Saturday and cold C It is 6th July D It is very serious 2、How much is this necklace? - A It’s very nice B It’s a birthday present from my parents C It costs fifty pounds D It’s a bargain 3、Good morning ,John. How are you doing? - A I’m pleased B Good night C Not so bad. And you? D How do you do? 4、I wonder if I could use your telephone. - A I wonder how B I don’t know C Well, of course D No wonder, here it is. 5、The party is so wonderful! Thank you once more for inviting me. - A Oh, you are leaving? B I like the party C Go now if you don’t have time D Thank you for coming. 二、阅读理解 Passage One: We were sorry that we had to ask the young man to leave the job. It was not that he was unpopular with the other people in the office. Everyone liked him. Nor was it that he was incapable. He had plenty or abilities. The problem was that so much of this work was unsatisfactory; it wasn’t good enough .Sometimes he would leave a job unfinished, and never come back to complete it. Other times his writing would be so illegible that you couldn’t read it. Or he might disappear from the office for an hour or so with no explanation of where he had been. Once or twice he sat unoccupied (不做事)for a while, doing nothing at all, until someone noticed him and gave him some work. I supposed he felt that minds until we had given him every chance to show what he could do. However, I confessed that it made me uncomfortable to have to tell him that he had lost his job. A person sent to us by an employment agency(职业介绍所) would replace him the next week. 6、From the passage, the young man was asked to leave the job because A he was unpopular B he was incapable C he was irresponsible(不负责的) D he was slow 7、I


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