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I I 摘 要 大宗商品电子交易市场今年来发展迅速,作为电子交易产业链的核心,它加 强了生产者、销售商、最终用户、金融机构、仓储部门、物流企业、管理部门之 间的联系及合作,是整个产业价值网的领导者、集成者和中介商,对于产业链的 生产者和供应商有着一定的影响。所以文章试图通过实证的方法来检验影响效用, 从而为产业链的参与者能够更好的利用电子交易市场的数据进行生产销售计划 的制定提供合理意见与建议。本文以中国钢铁电子交易市场为研究背景,选取 2011 年初至 2012 年末我的钢铁网钢铁价格指数和贸易商报价、生产者的生产库 存时间序列为研究对象,先后进行了单位根检验和格兰杰因果检验。实证研究结 果表明:大宗商品电子交易市场对贸易商和生产者存在较为显著的影响性,且分 别伴随着一定的滞后长度。在上述研究的基础上,文章结合交易市场的自身特点 为交易商进行策略调整、资源优化提供意见与建议。 关键词:大宗商品电子交易,产业链,钢铁,影响效用 II II Abstract Commodity e-marketplace has developed rapidly in recent years. As the core of the electronic trading industrial chain, it strengthens the bonds and cooperation among producers, distributors, end-users, financial institutions, warehousing departments, logistics corporations and the management. In addition, as the leader, the integrator and the intermediary of the entire industrial value network, it has certain impacts on both producers and traders in the industrial chain. Therefore, this article attempts to examine the effects by empirical analysis, in order to provide reasonable advice and suggestions for the participants in the industrial chain to take more advantage of the commodity e-marketplace’s transection data to develop the production and marketing plan. In this paper, based on the Chinese steel e-marketplace, it selects time sequences of My Steel steel price index, traders’ offer , producer’s inventory from early 2011 to the end of 2012 for the studies, and has conducted a unit root test and Granger Causality. The result of empirical analysis shows that: Commodity e-marketplace has significant impacts on traders and producers with a certain lag length. Based on these studies and the characteristics of e-marketplaces, this article provides traders comments and suggestions for policy adjustment and resource optimization. Keywords:Electronic commodities trading market, industry chain, steel, the effects of empirical effectiveness 目录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 第 1 章 引言 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 1.1 研究背景 1 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 1.1.



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