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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 相比于传统网络的存储转发模式,通过网络编码可以得到更好的网络传输性 能,它允许我们以最大流-最小割定理得出的最大容量传输信息。但是由于传统网 络编码存在解码计算量大、实时响应能力差、缓存空间需求大等缺点,因此出现 了代内网络编码。然而当网络丢包率较大时,部分代的分组丢失导致接收不到足 够的分组,以至于无法恢复出该代的原始信息,于是提出了多代混合(MGM, Multi-Generation Mixing)网络编码——“代”间网络编码,将文件分成多个混合集, 每个混合集包含若干代,同一个混合集中位置编号大的代总是和编号小的代混合 编码。 本文对 MGM 网络编码的基本原理和算法进行研究,取得了以下关键成果: (1)首次针对发送端在发送分组之前如何确定MGM网络编码参数(混合集容 量,“代”集容量,冗余率)这一问题,定义了数据有效投递率、探讨了在解码成功 率达到99%以上数据有效投递率最优的准则下的参数取值。 (2)本文利用泊松模型,首次从时延的角度分析了Internet网络中MGM的编/解 码成功率。提出了编/解码等待时延的具体算法、证明了编码节点的分组输出依然 服从泊松过程、通过仿真验证了当等待时延在合理区间内时,Internet网络的网络 编/解码成功率接近于1。 (3) 针对“代”间网络编码方案解码计算量及解码时延较大的问题,提出了一 种新颖的“代”间网络编码方案,即邻“代”混合(AGM, Adjacent-Generation Mixing) 网络编码,将混合集中的每一代与它的前一代进行混合编码,编码过程与它的相 邻两代有关,与混合集中的其他代无关。理论分析和仿真结果表明 AGM 编码方案 相比于 MGM 以及已有的 MGM 改进方案能够大量减少解码计算量和解码时延, 同时并保持与 MGM 相当的解码成功概率。 关键词:MGM 编码参数 数据有效投递率 解码等待时延 解码成功率 Abstract When comparing with traditional store-and-forward mechanism, we can get more optimal performance by using network coding that allows to transfer as much as the max-flow determined by the min-cut/max-flow theorem. Because the original network coding has some shortcomings such as large decoding computation overhead, poor real-time response ability and large cache space, the generation-based network coding is presented. The drawback of this approach is that it can not decode the original information of the generation when packet loss rate is high. However, those problems can be solved by network coding with Multi-Generation Mixing which defines a mixing set of size m generations that can be coded together. Within each MGM mixing set, a new set of generation packets is mixed with previously transmitted generations. In this paper, the basic principles and constructive algorithms of MGM are studied. Several results are obtained and they are To determine the encoding parameters (mixing size, generation size, and redundancy rate) before sending packets, we put forward the concept of effective data delivery rate and discuss the problem under the condition of suc


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