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川陕革命根据地是第二次国内革命战争时期,在中国共产党的领导下,由中国工农 红军第四方面军和川陕边区人民共同创建的一个重要革命根据地,是中华苏维埃共和国 的第二个大区域。在其存续的短短两年多时间里,川陕革命根据地进行了较为全面的法 制建设,在法制建设方面取得了巨大的成就,其法制建设的成功经验和教训,对于当今 中国的法制建设仍然有着积极的现实意义。
本着巩固革命政权、坚持党的领导以及保障人民民主的原则,结合川陕革命根据地 的实际情况,川陕革命根据地政府制定了包括政权组织、人权保障、土地、财政经济、 劳动和刑事法令在内的一系列的法律。同时,川陕革命根据地的执法和司法工作也取得 了可喜的成绩。
由于根据地所处的残酷的战争环境、“左”倾思想的影响,再加上干部和群众对法 律知识的缺乏,会不可避免地影响到法制建设的开展和执行,因此根据地的法制建设还 有很多不成熟的地方。川陕革命根据地的法制建设有深刻的历史教训,需要认真的总结。 研究川陕革命根据地法制建设的经验和教训,推动革命根据地法制研究,对建设有中国 特色的社会主义法制有着重要的意义。
Chuan-Shan Revolutionary Base was established by the Fourth Front Army of China and those people in the Sichuan-Shanxi border area under the leadership of the Communist Party of China during the Second Revolutionary Civil War, and it was the second largest important base for the Chinese Soviet Republic. During the two years of its short existence, it carried out a comprehensive building of the legal system, which leads to great achievements; and the experiences and lessons from which process still give us positive instructions today.
On the principle of consolidating revolutionary power, adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party, and ensuring people’s democracy, government in the Base enacted series of laws concerning aspects like the organs of political power, human rights, land ownership, finance and economy, labor and criminal case, and so on, in accordance with social circumstance in the Base. In the meanwhile, great achievements had been made in law enforcement and judicature there.
Nevertheless, the carry-out and enforcement of law unavoidably met barriers due to the crucial war background in base area, the leftist political opinions and the lacking of legal knowledge among cadres and civilians. Therefore, the development of law was still immature. However, it is worthwhile to summarize, for there are harsh lessons in the development of legal system in Chuan-Shan Revolutionary Base. It will be of great significance for building soci
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