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华 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III III 摘要 至今为止,笔译教学的研究已经硕果累累。而比笔译出现得早的口译却由于它 自身的特点,难于调查研究,理论化道路必定艰难曲折。没有有效的理论指导, 作为口译实践中的一个重要环节,口译教学工作问题繁多,困难重重。 本文将口译教学与培训中十分重要而且广泛的部分——大学本科英语专业及 各类口译培训班的口译教学和培训作为研究对象,希望通过资料的收集,分析, 研究和对比,找出其中存在的问题,并且提出一些可行的建议。旨在提出适用于 口译课堂教学的教学建议,使其真正满足其教学目的。本文采取定量和定性相结 合的研究方法。通过问卷以及网上搜索的方式搜集信息。 通过分析和比较发现大学本科英语专业口译教学在教学设备、资金、学生人数 和整个体系上都优于培训机构。但由于没有统一的口译教学大纲,大学本科英语 专业口译教学存在着一些教学目的、教学内容和课程设置上的不一致现象,教学 质量也得不到保证。培训机构虽然是利益集团,但它们所奉行的短期的明确的教 学目的对本科口译教学有一定的借鉴意义。该现象一方面表明大学本科英语专业 口译教学存在一定的随意性,教学目标宽泛且模糊不清,并且说明制定全国统一 的口译教学大纲势在必行。若大纲规定大学本科英语专业口译教学以培养学生的 口译实战能力为目的,则一项全国统一的针对该口译教学的考试应该出台,以此 来衡量教学成果。即便大纲未能在短期内出台,各校教师在教学时也应确其可测 量的教学目的,以衡量其教学成果。 关键词:口译教学 大学本科英语专业 口译培训机构 Abstract Although studies on translation have seen tremendous achievements, the way forward for interpretation theories is feasible but bumpy. As a key step for interpretation practice, interpretation teaching is faced with numerous problems and difficulties due to the lack of efficient theories. This thesis targets at the differences between the interpretation courses for undergraduate English majors and interpretation classes in interpretation training agencies. It is hoped to find out the major problems in and propose some valuable suggestion for interpretation teaching through data collection, analysis, study and comparison, in order to help improve interpretation courses and interpretation teaching at large. This thesis adopts a combination of quantitative and qualitative researches. The instruments used are questionnaires and online information search. The questionnaire is designed by the author herself and the official websites for all the training agencies are found through the internet access. It finds out that the teaching facilities, funds, numbers of students, mechanisms in the universities are far better than those in the training agencies. However, without a nationally unified syllabus and a general assessment system, some discrepancies still exist between the teaching objectives and the tea



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