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ii ii 第三部分,就大学生志愿精神培养的途径进行了探索,提出了相应的对策。主要 包括三个方面:一、争取社会认可 寻求社会支持。主要包括:加强志愿精神宣传, 提高民众认识;提供资金支持;完善和落实法律保障机制。二、加大学校引导 建立 完善体制。主要包括:将志愿精神融入“两课”教学;将志愿服务纳入教学计划;将 大学生志愿精神融入学生社团;注重大学生人文素质教育;健全激励机制;健全组织 体系。三、加强个人修养 培养高尚情操。大学生的奉献精神与道德修养有关,道德 修养越高的人,其更具参与志愿服务的热情。因此,大学生要加强个人的思想道德修 养,培养高尚情操。 关键词:大学生志愿精神;基础;培养;途径 iii iii ABSTRACT Volunteers have formed a valuable volunteerism Selfless dedication in the process of China’s vigorous volunteer activities. Former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan said: The cores of volunteerism are service,unity and common vision, the faith to make this world a better place. For our young people, we should be actively engaged in volunteer service in the ranks, actively dissemination and promotion of volunteerism and spirit of service in order to promote social harmony and beautiful. College students activate their thinking, are of plasticity, and they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, are the best casting objects of the spirit of volunteerism. Students should form college students’ volunteerism, actively practice the spirit of volunteerism. Cultivating the college students’ volunteerism, students can not only enhance their knowledge and quality but also encourage more college students to involve in voluntary activities, caring for others, serving the community and inspiring more people to participate in volunteer activities, then strengthening volunteer team, which is conducive to the formation of solidarity in society, equality and fraternity, common progress of the social environment and interpersonal relations. Therefore, conducting research of cultivating college students’ volunteerism has a certain degree of academic significance and practical value. This paper is guided for the Marxist morality and the partys ideological and political education theory. Through a wide range of visiting to the investigation, learn from relevant scientific theories, the accumulation of refined literature to study the college students’ volunteerism develop



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