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I I 分层教学在农村中学英语中的应用 中文摘要 分层教学在农村中学英语中的应用 中文摘要 随着社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,英语作为最重要的信息载体之一在各个 领域参与国际交流和竞争中的作用日益突出。初中生源参差不齐,班级授课制难以解 决学生中存在的较大的差异问题,并成为英语教学的难点之一。 作者通过分析所在中学英语教学现状,研究国内外英语教学的改革实践,决定在 本班英语课堂教学中进行分层教学的实验研究。 本研究以苏州市相城区太平中学九年级6班的学生为研究对象,九年级5班为对照 班,实验时间为一学年。在实验中根据学生初三分班成绩,将其分为A、B、C三层, 然后对其进行分层教学。在实验中运用了调查、英语考试等方法进行研究,收集了实 验班和对照班各次重要考试的成绩,并分析了调查问卷的结果。实验结果表明,分层 教学有利于激发学生的学习兴趣、增强了学生学习的成就感和自信心,培养了良好的 学习习惯,提高了学生的英语成绩。 根据研究发现,在分层教学中要时刻以学生为中心,同时要注意对学生的评价。 教师也应提高自身的文化素养和专业素养。 关键词:初中英语教学;个性差异;分层教学 作 者:朱 燕 指导教师:王海贞 朱 俊 II II Abstract Application of Graded English Teaching In Rural Middle School Application of Graded English Teaching In Rural Middle School Abstract With the development of the information technology and economic globalization, English as the most important information carrier,has been playing an increasingly prominent role in international exchanges and competition in various fields. Hence there is growing concern over the quality of English education. The large-size class teaching in China is likely to ignore students’ individual language needs and thus to affect the teaching effect. Based on a preliminary survey of the current situation of English teaching in the local school and on a review of the education reform practice in China and abroad, the author attempts to experiment with graded teaching of English upon her own students, with a view to improving learning results. The participants comes from two parallel classes of Grade Nine, in Tai Ping Middle School in Xiang Cheng District of Suzhou. Class Six is the experimental class, and Class Five is the control class. During the sixteen-week experiment, the twenty-eight students of Class Six are classified into three language proficiency levels—A , B, and C, and are given language tasks and evaluated accordingly. In the experiment, surveys and tests are used for research. The author collects the results of every important tes


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