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内容摘要 整个西方法律思想史,就是一个幸福追求史。众多思想家对法律是什么的不懈探寻 中,法律建构何以更体现并促进幸福,有意无意间这成为众思想家最易思考的主题。对 西方法律与幸福观的历史流变进行梳理,得出法律应认真对待共同体,构架复合多元的 共同体和返回幸福之本,德性之源,整合幸福的双重内涵,是法律与幸福关联的根基。 法律是以人为逻辑起点,幸福作为人生的终极追求和追求的永恒价值,理应成为法 律关注的焦点。但由于幸福观念的扑朔迷离与人类文明中的公共领域的萎缩和人的价值 观念多元化导致幸福缺位于现代法律价值,且由于作为“幸福”观念的法律替代物也不 能完全代替幸福,所以幸福本身终极的价值意义最适合作为法律的终极价值。 生活世界是以人和人的生活为中心的世界,实质上是探讨优良和最幸福的生活的观 念。作为以人的生活世界为基础的法律,通过法律中人之形象“幸福人”的建构,可使 法律的幸福价值彰显。“幸福人”的形象在法律上是一个总括性假设,是诸部门法的人 之形象的诸多特性的集合呈现,它在宪政上的架构是在否定性框架上极具丰富的概括性 内涵,具有广阔权利发展空间。 应然意义上,法治是幸福的保障,幸福是法治的应有之义。实然意义上,可以通过 法治幸福指数的构建,让幸福判断法治建设成效,让幸福解释权回归公民自身。进而得 出幸福法治应该成为我国法治建设的新思维,将人民幸福作为评价法律的依准,切实保 障人追求幸福的权利。 关键词:幸福;德性;共同体;终极价值;公共领域;生活世界;幸福人;幸福法 治。 Abstract The whole history of western legal ideology is a history of the pursuit of happiness. During the unending pursuit of what the law is, the question that how people can construct law to show and promote happiness became the question many thinkers most wanted to solve. When relating law to happiness, it is crucial to sort out the historical change of people’s attitude towards happiness in the western legal system. The law should be serious about community in order to form multiple community and integrate the double meanings of happiness by returning to the source of happiness and morality. The law takes human being as its logical beginning, and happiness is regarded as people’s ultimate and eternal pursuit. Law should focus on the above idea. Because of the indistinct concept of happiness, the shrink of public sphere of civilization, and the multiplicity of people’s values, modern legal value is lack of happiness. The ultimate value of happiness should be taken as the ultimate value of law, because happiness can not be replaced by its legal substitute. Life-world is the world centered by people and their life. In fact, it is the idea of good and happy life. The law, based on people’s life-world, can manifest the value of happiness by forming the man of happiness image in the law. The man of happiness image is a general hypothes



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