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河北工业大学硕士学位论文 河北工业大学硕士学位论文 磁制冷系统的磁场设计 磁制冷系统的磁场设计 磁制冷系统的磁场设计 摘 要 磁制冷技术是一项新型绿色制冷技术,与传统的空气压缩式制冷技术相比较,其具有无 环境污染、效率高和装置结构紧凑等优点。本文主要研究工作如下: 对磁制冷系统的制冷原理进行了理论分析,对 halbach 理论做了深入的研究。 建立了六种典型的室温磁制冷系统的磁路结构模型。通过对模型的仿真分析,首 先得出磁感应强度的分布,再次经过后处理得到了磁体利用系数、磁性能系数和磁体 体积三个重要的性能指标,最后比较了六种结构的优劣并分析了结构之间差距的具体 原因,总结出设计室温磁制冷系统磁路结构所要遵循的五条规律。 给出一种基于 halbach 理论改进的永磁磁路结构设计方案。通过仿真对比,该结构在性 能指标达到要求的情况下比典型室温磁制冷磁路结构的永磁使用量更低。最后对该磁路模 型的尺寸进一步优化,得出最优的尺寸数据。 关键词:磁制冷,halbach,有限元分析,永磁体 i PAGE PAGE iv DESIGN OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD OF MAGNETIC REFRIGERATION SYSTEM ABSTRACT Magnetic refrigeration technology is a new green refrigeration technology. It has advantages, such as, high efficiency, compact conformation and no environmental pollution. This article main research work is as follows: The refrigeration principle and the halbach principle were analyzed theoretically. Six typical magnetic circuits of room temperature magnetic refrigeration system models are established. Through the simulation and analysis of these models, first magnetic flux distribution nephogram is obtained. Then by using post-processing three important indicators including magnet utilization coefficient, magnetic performance coefficient and volume of permanent magnet are gained. Finally, a comparison of the pros and cons of these structures is made, and the specific reason for the discrepancy between with six structures is analyzed. Five principles for designing magnetic circuit of room temperature magnetic refrigeration system that should be followed are summarized. A permanent magnet magnetic circuit improved based on the halbach theory is given in this paper. In case of indicators meet the requirements, by comparing indicators of these structures the new structure uses less volume of permanent magnet than typical magnetic circuit of room temperature magnetic refrigeration. At last, through optimizing the new magnetic circuit model size, the optimal size data are concluded. KEY WORDS: magnetic refrigeration, halbach, finite element anal


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