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摘 要
日地空间是对人类最重要的空间环境,在这个空间内的许多现象都和人类息 息相关,这些现象的爆发大部分都和太阳有关。而在这些现象中,磁重联扮演 着重要角色。
磁重联是一种在空间等离子体物理和实验等离子体物理中都普遍存在的一 种局域现象,是空间等离子体物理和实验等离子体物理的一项重要研究课题。 磁重联的发生过程伴随着磁场结构的改变,蕴含其中的磁能被大量释放,并转 化为等离子体的热能和动能,其中的离子和电子被加速,形成高速喷流。磁重 联概念的提出已有 50 余年。在这 50 年的发展当中,它的理论不断完善和进步。 但是由于对直接观测事件的缺乏以及磁重联本身物理机制的复杂性,我们对它 的认识仍然不足和有限,一些重要的物理机制仍然困扰着研究人员。这也使其 成为当今等离子体研究领域的前沿课题。
在本文中,我们首先简单介绍日地空间的概念和天体以及各种与磁重联有关 的爆发现象等基本知识。随后将依次介绍磁重联的基本概念,基本物理图像和 过程,包括磁扩散和磁冻结效应,并详细介绍几种比较有影响力的模型。然后 我们将了解研究磁重联的几种模拟研究方法,并对本文将采用的混合粒子模拟 进行详细的介绍。最后我们将运用 2.5D 混合粒子模拟代码对电阻率梯度对磁重 联过程中各个物理图像的影响进行研究,对其结果进行细致的分析并进行讨论。
The solar-terrestrial space.is the very space environment that has a very im- portant meaning to human being, in which place many phenomena, most of them are related to the solar, occur are closely interrelated to us human. In these phenomena, the magnetic reconnection plays the key role.
Magnetic reconnection is a regional phenomenon and, meanwhile, a very im- portant study subject in both of space plasma physics and laboratory plasma physics. When magnetic reconnection happens, the stricture of the magnetic field will be changed with the release of the energy in it, which will be transformed to the kinetic energy and thermal energy of plasma, then ions and electrons are accelerated which produce the high speed flow. It’s more than fifty years since the concept of magnetic reconnection was firstly introduced. During the period of the five decades, the theory of magnetic reconnection was developed more implemented and advanced. However, we still don’t understand it well how it works due to its lack of direct observation evens and its complicated mechanism, some of which are still confusing the re- searchers. All above make it the frontier of the plasma physics among the solar physicists and astrophysicists recently.
In this article, the concept of the solar-terrestrial space and many phenomena related to magnetic reconnection will be presented first.
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