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南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 大型客机机电综合技术研究及仿真平台设计 大型客机机电综合技术研究及仿真平台设计 i i ii ii 摘 要 本文以波音 757 的两个机电子系统——起落架系统和防滞刹车系统为研究对象,设计了两 个子系统的激励器,采用远程接口单元 RIU 对激励器产生的信号进行采集,并通过 CAN 总线构 成的传输网络传输给公共管理计算机 UMC,UMC 将静态优先级和时间片轮转调度算法结合,并同 时采用软件容错算法,实现对各个子系统的综合管理和容错处理。另外,为了提高系统的可靠 性,在系统中采用了双层双冗余结构,引入两条 CAN 总线和 CAN 热冗余结构;在 UMC 中,设计 了子系统的状态监控程序,并采用了两种典型的故障诊断方法:故障树分析法和粒子滤波,来 对系统故障进行预测和故障诊断,在故障出现时,及时触发报警功能。用故障树分析时,建立 了起落架系统的故障树,并用概率预测出系统中易出故障的元器件;粒子滤波中,建立刹车压 力的数学模型,对其出现故障和未出现故障进行对比,给出了故障诊断仿真图。 机载机电综合管理平台用软件 LabVIEW 来实现,集合了数据采集、数据传输、数据显示、 故障诊断等功能, 能实现半物理仿真和数字仿真, 为中国大型客机的研究提供了一定的技术支 持。 关键词:机电综合管理,CAN 总线,热冗余,调度算法,故障诊断 ABSTRACT In this paper, we select two electrical subsystems——landing gear subsystem and Anti-skid braking subsystem the Boeing 757 as the research objects. In the whole system, we design the actuators of the two subsystems, use remote interface unit(RIU) to collect signals generated from the actuators, and transmit the collected datas to utility management computer(UMC) through CAN bus. In the UMC, while using the software fault-tolerant algorithms, we combine static priority and time slice scheduling algorithm together to achieve integrated management of the system and fault tolerance. In addition, in order to improve the system reliability, the system uses a double-double redundance, that is two CAN bus, and introduces hot redundancy of CAN bus; In the UMC, we design the condition monitoring programmes of the subsystems, in which two typical fault diagnosis ——Fault Tree Analysis and Particle Filter are used to predict and diagnose the failure of the system. Once the fault occurs, it triggers the alarm function timely. When using Fault Tree Analysis, we establish the fault tree of the landing gear system and predict that which components are easier to be fault sources; we also establish the math model of the brake pressure, compare the faults appeared with unappeared and give the fault diagnosis simulation in the particle filter. The airborne electromachanical system’s compr



peili2018 + 关注


