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翻转课堂在初中信息技术教学中的研究与应用 摘要:新课程虽然倡导在课堂中运用新的教学模式,但是现实情况却是:传 统教学模式仍然在现在的课堂教学中占据着重要地位。教师讲、学生听的情况依 然普遍存在。为了突破这一困境,很多专家、学者以及一线教师不断对新的教学 模式进行研究,最终发现翻转课堂教学模式在课堂教学中的运用可以有效解决该 问题。目前,国内有关翻转课堂研究并不在少数。本文研究的目的主要在于:探 索翻转课堂在初中信息技术教学中的具体运用策略以及需要注意的若干问题,希 望通过本文的研究可以让翻转课堂在初中信息技术课堂中应用得更加科学合理, 使其更加具有推广优势。 本文主要针对翻转课堂在初中信息技术教学中的应用进行研究。主要分为如 下几个部分。第一章,绪论。论述了本文的研究背景、研究目的及研究意义、翻 转课堂的国内外研究现状以及研究方法等等。第二章,对翻转课堂进行研究综述。 主要包含有如下几个方面:(1)翻转课堂的概念;(2)翻转课堂的特点;(3)翻 转课堂的优势;(4)翻转课堂的理论基础等。第三章,对翻转课堂在初中信息技 术教学中的应用模型进行设计,并进行了相关的实验研究。第四章,对翻转课堂 教学模式如何有效的应用于初中信息技术教学进行若干思考。第五章,结语。 翻转课堂对于我国的一线教师来说,仍然属于一种较新的教学模式,国内关 于翻转课堂的理论与实践研究也并不是非常完善。希望通过本文的写作可以进一 步丰富相关的理论与实践研究。 关键词:翻转课堂;初中信息技术;新课程 Research and Application on Flipping Classroom in the Information Technology Teaching in Junior High Schools Abstract:The new curriculum promote to use new teaching modes in the classroom, but the reality is that the traditional teaching modes still occupy an important position in our classroom teaching. Situation that the teachers speaking , the students listening to the teachers still existing. In order to break through this dilemma, many experts, scholars and teachers continue to study the new teaching modes, finding that the use of the Flipping Classroom in the classroom teaching which can effectively solve the problems finally. At present, there are many related research about the Flipping Classroom in domestic. The purpose of this paper is to explore the specific application strategy about the Flipping Classroom in information technology teaching and the problems need to pay attention .I hope this study can make the Flipping Classroom application in the information technology classroom more scientific and reasonable in junior high schools, also with the promotion of more advantages. This paper mainly studies the application of the Flipping Classroom in the information technology teaching. The main parts are as follows. The first chapter, introduction, which discusses the background, research purpose and meaning , the Fl



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