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PAGE 本科毕业论文 题目: 一类随机时滞系统的鲁棒控制和仿真 学 院: 理学院 专 业: 信息与计算科学 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师:     日 期: 二〇一一年六月 摘 要 时滞的存在不仅会导致系统的不稳定性或降低系统的性能,而且给控制器的设计带来了很大的困难。采用鲁棒控制可以在保持系统稳定性前提下有效地克服随机干扰给系统带来的影响,而针对随机时滞系统,同样可以利用控制理论对其进行控制器设计。 本文运用It?随机微分公式、 Lyapunov函数、Schur补引理及线性矩阵不等式等知识证明了关于随机时滞系统内部稳定和外部稳定的两个定理,设计出了使随机时滞系统满足内部随机稳定和外部随机稳定的状态反馈控制器。并且给出了二自由度机械手的应用实例,通过模型建立,得出相关参数,然后进行控制器设计,最后得出了仿真图,说明了方法的有效性和结论的正确性。 本文在随机时滞系统上作了较深入的探讨,简单讲解了随机时滞系统的控制器设计和仿真,对时滞系统的容错控制问题的研究具有理论意义和实际价值,也为随机时滞系统的鲁棒控制和仿真提供了一种设计思路。 关键词: 随机时滞系统; 鲁棒控制; 稳定; 仿真 Abstract All kinds of industrial system, the time-delay is widespread. The existence of time-delay may not only lead to instability or reduce the system performance, and brings great difficulties to controller design. In the premise of maintaining the stability of the system, robust control can be used to overcome the random disturbance to the system effectively, and for stochastic delay systems, control theory can be used as its controller design. In this paper, It? stochastic differential equation, Lyapunov function, Schur complement lemma and linear matrix inequality are used to proof two theories on the internal stability and external stability of stochastic systems with time delay , then design a?state feedback controller that makes stochastic system with time-delay to meet internal?and external?stochastic?stability. And in this paper, the application of two degrees of freedom manipulator is given, through modeling, the parameters obtained, then the controller design, at last came to the conclusion of the simulation graph, so that illustrate the effectiveness and correctness of the conclusion. In this paper, we make a deep analysis on stochastic systems with time delay , and we explain the stochastic delay system controller design and simulation simply, this, not only to the research of fault-tolerant control problem has theoretical significance and practical value, but also for random delays of system robust control and simulation



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