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多媒体汽车动态仪表板设计 摘要 当今世界,由于汽车性能不断提高,使得汽车电子控制程度也越来越高。汽车电子控制装置必须迅速、准确地处理各种信息,并通过电子仪表显示出来。统仪表一般是机电式模拟仪表,只能为驾驶员提供汽车运行中必要而又少量的数据信息,已远远不能满足现代汽车新技术、高速度的要求 。 本系统设计的汽车电子仪表面板,以STC12C5A08AD单片机为微处理控制模块进行数据的采集和处理,该控制器属于单时钟/机器周期的单片机是高速、低功耗、强抗干扰的新一代8051单片机,其指令代码完全兼容8051,但是速度比8051快8-12倍;本系统中选用了ST188红外反射传感器设计的测速模块,ST188能够在4-13毫米的范围内实现车速的检测;在系统温度方面选用DS18B20温度传感器,该传感器能够实时的显示温度的变化,能够及时的展现出汽车行动的水温变化,但是该温度传感器的测温范围有限,很有局限性;为了使系统能够更好的北PC机远程控制,所以我设计了利用MAX232芯片转换电压的串口通信接口电路;最后还设计了LED报警电路和各种辅助电路,利用这些电路模块,通过单片机的信号处理,最后将需要的数据显示到LCD12864显示模块之中,以达到设计要求。 关键字:汽车仪表 多媒体仪器 STC12C5A08AD ST188传感器 DS18B20温度传感器 LCD12864 MAX232 ABSTRACTS In todays world, Due to continuously improve performance of the car, the increasingly high level of automotive electronic control. Automotive electronic control device must be quickly and accurately handle all kinds of information displayed by the electronic instruments. System instrumentation is generally electromechanical analog instruments, and can only provide the driver with the car running necessary and a small amount of data can not meet the new technology of the modern automobile, high-speed requirements. The system design of automotive electronic instrument panel to STC12C5A08AD single-chip microprocessor control module for data acquisition and processing. Controller is a single clock / machine cycle MCU is a new generation of high-speed, low power consumption, strong anti-jamming 8051, its instruction code is fully compatible with 8051, but the speed is 8-12 times faster than the 8051.ST188 infrared reflectance sensor design of the gun module is selected in this system, ST188 speed detection in the range of 8-13 mm. Selection of the DS18B20 temperature sensor in the system temperature, the sensor can be real-time display of temperature changes, can show the changes in water temperature of the car action in a timely manner, but the temperature range of the temperature sensor is limited, very limited. To make the system be able to be



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