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Study on three-dimensional rheological constitutive and long-term strength of Q3 undisturbed-loess in ground fissure zone A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:Li Li Supervisor:Prof. Deng Yahong Chang’an University, Xi’an, China i PAGE PAGE iv iii iii 摘 要 汾渭盆地是我国乃至世界上地裂缝最为发育,灾害最为严重的地区。区内地裂缝多 发育于黄土介质中,黄土的物理力学性质和地层结构为地裂缝的发育提供了独特的孕裂 基础。研究隐伏地裂缝在近地表的破裂扩展模式,对地裂缝的预测预警和工程灾害防治 具有重要的理论和实际意义。以往对地裂缝成因机制和破裂扩展机理的研究大都基于经 典弹塑性力学和弹性断裂力学理论,大型物理模型试验和数值模拟结果均显示隐伏地裂 缝的破裂扩展具有反倾特征,这与实际地裂缝剖面结构揭示的倾向一致性不符。这就需 要考虑在漫长的地质历史过程中,黄土的蠕变及长期强度等力学特性对地裂缝的破裂扩 展模式的影响。 基于此,本文以汾渭盆地地裂缝为研究背景,以西安地区长安地裂缝(fc1)金滹沱 探槽东壁的 Q3 原状黄土为研究对象,开展了地裂缝带 Q3 原状黄土的三维流变本构及长 期强度的研究。首先,通过常规三轴压缩试验,揭示了地裂缝带 Q3 原状黄土的应力应 变关系曲线特征及其破坏模式,并得到了不同应变量对应的抗剪强度值及其对应的抗剪 强度参数。其次,通过三轴循环加卸载蠕变试验,分析了地裂缝带 Q3 原状黄土的蠕变 曲线及应变速率与时间关系曲线特征,并基于统一流变力学模型理论,得到了地裂缝带 Q3 原状黄土的三维流变本构模型,建立了模型的本构方程,辨识出了模型参数。最后, 基于蠕变试验结果,构建了地裂缝带 Q3 原状黄土的“分数-线性”形式的长期强度曲线, 获得了相应的长期强度方程,进而得到了长期强度及其强度参数。 上述成果为隐伏地裂缝破裂扩展模式及其力学机理的理论和数值模拟研究,为隐伏 地裂缝场地灾害的预测预报以及建(构)筑物的合理避让和灾害防治奠定了基础。 关键词:地裂缝带,Q3 原状黄土,蠕变本构,参数辨识,长期强度 Abstract The Fen-Wei basin can be the most developed area of ground fissures and the associated geo-hazard in China and even in the world. Most of ground fissures development in the loess medium. The physical and mechanics properties and stratigraphic structure of loess provides a unique pregnancy basis for the growth of ground fissures. Studying fracture extension model in near surface of the concealed ground fissures will be significance of theoretical and practical for forecasting and early warning and engineering disaster prevention and control. In the past, most of the study of ground fissures formation mechanism and fracture extension mechanism were based on the classical elastic-plastic mechanics and elastic fracture mechanics theory. The numerical simulation and physical model test come to a conclusion that the concealed ground fissures in the near-surface rupture expansion were counter-inclined, which not agree with the actual profile structure. This w


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